Chapter 5: An Emotional Scar

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He punches me so hard that my nose starts bleeding. Oh. my. GOD. He grabs my shoulders and throws me against the wall. Grabbing me by my hair, he repeatedly slams me against the wall. "How do you like this?" My face is bloody and bruised. "STOP MARK!" "STOP, PLEASE STOP" "I'M SORRY" I'm now on the ground. He takes the mirror in the room and slams it on the floor. "MARK, PLEASE DON'T." The mirror shatters into tons of pieces. He eyes one piece. OH NO. WHAT IS HE GOING TO DO? He picks up the piece and puts his foot on my neck to prevent me from getting up. "MARK. DON'T!" My heart is racing as he brings the piece of glass closer to my neck and suddenly removes his foot.

Realizing what he is about to do, he slides the piece of glass across a small portion of my face instead. OH MY GOD. It hurts SO bad. "If you tell ANYONE about this, next time it'll go further. You're lucky you're still alive." He quickly sprints out of the home.

I lay on the floor for a good 5 minutes. I place my hand on my face. OH, it kills. My face. Oh my god, I feel dead right now. I run to the washroom, and look at my face. My face is a bloody mess, the glass cut a good portion of my face. I don't know what to do. I feel like he broke all the bones in my body. I decide I need to call an ambulance. But oh no, what if he comes back, what if he does kill me? K-k-kill me. Wow. I never thought Mark was like this. My heart is jumping up and down from fear. I decide to suck it up, I know hes going to eventually get his way somehow and hurt me. Even if I call the cops on him, he knows his way out of there. Wow. The so called love of my life. I feel a strong sense of hatred towards him. He is now the worst enemy in my life. I look back at my face. That cut on my face, is going to leave a scar. Not just a physical scar, an emotional one too. No. I'm calling the hospital. I'm calling the police on Mark.

I dial 911 hesitantly. "Hello. 9-1-1, whats your emergency?"

"My ex-boyfriend just physically abused me, he threatened he would go further if I tell anyone! Please help." God, the words I say. Physical abuse. Never thought it would happen to me. My moms been a huge victim, and that was more than enough.

"We're going to send an ambulance soon. Whats your boyfriends phone number? We'll trace him down."

So, we go over the details and eventually the ambulance arrives. I'm taken to the hospital. Eventually, Ricky and Connor show up. Connor was the first to arrive. "SAM!? What happened to you?" His eyes are full of worry. He takes a look at the deep cut on my face.

I sob a little and tell him everything. His eyes suddenly turn darker. His hands clench into fists. He looks just like Mark before he beat the life out of me. Remembering that, I cry even more. Whatever was going through his mind subsides and he looks at me. "Sam, its going to be okay." He places his hand over mine. I feel like I've just been electrocuted.

I look at his eyes. Hes staring right back at me. Oh, his eyes are so dreamy. "Sam, I really needed to tell you something. Its important." I wonder what hes possibly going to say.

"What, Connor?"

"I really really li-"

"SAM! How did you end up like this?" Ricky bursts in.

I look back at Connor. He removes his hand away quickly and sighs a little.

"I'm okay now. You know, Mark. He-he hurt me."

"WHAT? That jerk. I cant believe it. Are you sure you're okay Sam?"

"Yeah, I'm okay."

"I've got to go guys. I've got some work to do." Connor says.

"Oh, see you Connor." I wonder what he was going to tell me.

Ricky takes a seat next to me. "Sam. Mark's going to suffer for this. In jail."

"I know, I just cant believe he could stoop so low. I'm glad I didn't forgive him."

"You did the right thing. Don't worry."

I take a deep breath.

Two weeks later, I'm out of the hospital. Luckily, there was no broken bones. I still never got a chance to see what Connor needed to tell me though. I decide to call up Connor but then I get a call from Ricky.


"Wait, why is Connor there? And I don't care about Mark anymore."

"Not for Mark. Come here for Connor. Connor beat Mark up."


Why. Would. Connor. Do. That.


Well, I added another cliffhanger but I published this chapter and ended yesterdays cliffhanger so soon, so you can forgive me, right? :D

Stay tuned to see what happens!

Oh, and I've been noticing I've been getting some reads!! 15 on the first chapter! :D

Thanks so much everyone <3

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