Chapter 13: A New Start

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I knock patiently on the door. After a couple minutes, there is no response. I knock again. Within a few seconds, to my surprise, Kian opens the door.

"Kian! How are you?" I notice the bags under his eyes. It looks like he hasn't had a good sleep in ages.

"I-I'm fine. What are you even doing here?" He says rudely. I ignore his tone because I know he is hurting a lot. I can relate to him.

Escaping from my thoughts, I blurt out "I actually came to meet Connor. He didn't know I was coming."

"Why are you even dating Connor? It's just puppy love. You guys are going to break up eventually." I am surprised. Kian is really hurt. So much, in fact... That he is questioning our relationship. Wait. Of course, he is! His girlfriend cheated on him.You're so stupid Sam, I tell myself.

I decide to just keep the atmosphere chill and respond simply "Well, time will tell." He gives a small nod and points his hand upstairs.

"Connor is upstairs."

"O-okay." I walk up the stairs and knock on Connors door. He opens it immediately.

"Sam!" He throws his arms around me and gives me a tight hug.

I enjoy the hug for a little and then ask "Kians not doing any better, is he?"

"How did you know?"

"He just asked me, why we are dating if it's just puppy love?

"Wow. Sorry about that Sam. Its not puppy love." Connor plops on to his bed.

"I know. He's just hurting. You don't need to say sorry."


"I was thinking... I'm going through the same situation as Kian. Well, I did. Now, I'm better. So, maybe I should talk to him?" Connor gives a sweet smile.

"For sure."

I leave Connors room and make my way to Kians. His door is already open. I knock on his door "Can I talk to you?" He turns his head to look at me.

"No. Get out."


"Get out." He gets from his bed and slams the door closed. What just happened? I make my way back to Connors room and tell him what happened.

"Wait- what? Why is he being so rude to you? I'm going to go talk to him."

"Okay." I sit down on his bed and wait for a couple minutes.

Connor arrives after a little time. "He won't open his door to talk to me."

"I'm really worried Connor."

"Me too. Ricky, Jc!"  Ricky and Jc make their way to Connors room.

"What happened?" Connor explains the whole situation.

"I hope he doesn't do something else!" Ricky says. Oh, no. What if he already cut himself? J.C quickly rushes out of the room and runs downstairs. He comes upstairs with a key and unlocks Kians room.

"Kian!" We all head over to Kian's room, and let out a sigh. He is sitting on the bed watching youtube videos.

"Are you kidding me? Now I can't have alone time?" He snaps at Jc

Connor looks at me. "Okay. Lets go to my room." We all head back to Connors room except Kian.

"Ricky. I think you should talk to him alone. You're the closest to him."

"I agree." He goes into his room. To my surprise, Kian lets him stay there.

Its been about half an hour and Ricky still hasn't come out.

"I hope Ricky can help him feel better." Connor says. I nod, and we sit quietly.

After another half an hour, Ricky comes out of the room. "He's fine. He's just hurt. He's not going to be rude anymore, and he promises he wont cut himself."

"Thats good." I say. Ricky leaves us alone.

"He'll be better. I came out of the hurt faster because I-I had you." Connor looks at me and flashes his excellent smile. Then, he leans his face closer to mine, and gives my lips a little peck. I kiss his soft lips back until Kian suddenly opens the door. I quickly back up and Connors cheeks turn to a tomato. Mine do too.

"O-oh. I'm sorry." He appears to be embarrassed as well.

"Its okay." I manage to choke out.

"I just wanted to say sorry because I was being rude before."

I give a sympathetic look. "I understand. I've been in your situation. It's all right."

"Well- I- I'm gonna go now." He closes the door quietly. I turn to look at Connor who did not say a word. His cheeks are still red. I laugh.

"It's okay Connor."

He turns to look at me. "I think I'm gonna lock the door." He gets up and locks the door.

"Now, where were we?" I lean in and give him another kiss. He kisses me back gently.

"You know Sam, we should go on our second date."

I back up and take a breath."Where?"

"I have absolutely no idea." We both laugh.

I peck his lips again and get up from his bed. "I have to go Connor. I really need to film my video."

"Aw. Why dont we film it together? A girlfriend tag, if you may?"

"If you want to announce it, but we've only gone our first date."

He grabs me by my waist and pulls me closer, giving me another peck. "I know. But it feels different when I'm with you. I honestly think this relationship is going to last." Connor says. He feels the exact same way I do. Wow. It's like I've found my soulmate. Am I exaggarating this? I think. But, I feel like we are meant for each other. The way we simply met each other is like fate. If Mark hadn't cheated on me, I probably wouldn't have met Connor. I wouldn't have this beautiful relationship. I dont know about fate, and all. But I do know, Connor is about the perfect match for me. 

I give him a sweet smile. "Okay. Lets do it." 


Well chapter 13's up! Just 7 more chapters to go :)

or less or more. lol idk.

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