Chapter 4: A Heart Attack for All of us

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I turn around. It's Connor! Again. I meet his eyes. I never noticed they were so beautiful and dreamy. I get lost for a second. Wait, why is he here? He looks in awe and then holds out his shaking hand with my phone in it. 

"Sam? You dropped your phone." Connor hands me my phone.

"Oh my gosh. I'm so clumsy. Thanks!"

"Well, see you later." 


I turn around to leave again.

"Wait, Sam. I-I"

I turn back around to face him. "Yes?" I say.

"I-I  really like- I mean I'd like if you wanted to meet up with us again sometime."

"That'd be nice. I'm going to the beach with a couple of my friends tomorrow. How about there?"

"Yeah, we'll see you there." His face seems like he's trying to say "No, don't go! I want to talk to you more. Please?" He just shakes off whatever is bothering him and says goodbye. He turns around and slowly starts to walk away. Seriously, sometimes what he does is so adorable.


I unlock my phone and head for my car. 3 missed calls! From Mark. Of course.... I send him a message. 

"It's over. How many times do I have to say this to you?"

"SAM!! It's not me! Its your mom."

My heart skips a beat. My mom. God. What happened to her? Please let her be okay. Shes my life.  I only have her. No. This cant happen. I start to quickly type a long paragraph asking what the heck happened. Before I can even question what he's talking about, I get a call from him.

"Sam! Your mom came to your home a while ago, and all of a sudden she got a heart attack! You NEED to come to your your home right now!" My phone drops out of my phone. My heart races so fast that I feel like I'm getting a heart attack. I start sobbing hard.  I'm crying so hard that people are staring at me. I feel nervous. I start to run to my car. My hands are trembling like I just got told the love of my life hates me. No. This is worse. My mom is what we are talking about here. She had a heart attack. Its too bad to be true.

I pounce into my car as fast as I can, like my life depends on it. I let out a big scream in my car and race my way to my mom's home. Skipping red lights, breaking any rule I could. At this moment, I don't care. I need to get to my mom. I wonder how she is doing. And Mark. What did he do after he found her? Did he just call the hospital without a worry? Shrug it off? I try to calm myself down. Hes not that bad. I've been in him with a relationship for four years. Just because he's cheated on me doesn't mean hes the worst person I've ever met with no feelings or emotions whatsoever. Right? I question my thoughts. I cant think about this. I need to be brave at this moment and stand by mom. She's probably in the hospital. I struggle to hold back my tears. I feel like I'm dieing.

When I finally get there. I see Mark on the porch steps. My heart is killing. "MARK! Wheres mom? Is she okay? What happened?" I'm panting very hard and I cant just take it. I quickly take my keys out of my pocket and in the panic, I'm shoving the wrong one in the keyhole. I quickly change the key and slam the door open. "MOM!?" I scream.

Mark quickly runs in.

He seems all to okay for my mom who just had a heart attack. I knew it. He doesn't give a crap. That selfish, arrogant jerk. I know. I cant be so quick to judge. He's just cheated on me, and just because of that I hate his guts. Wait, just because of that? That's a big thing. But anyway, hes done other things in the past. Things that hurt me horribly and I still gave him more chances. I don't know why I did. He is  still the same person he always was. How is he the love of my life? He isn't. I just thought he was.

He tries to put his hands around my waist. I back up. "No. NOT NOW. Wheres my mom? Tell me NOW." 

"Gosh, calm down. Your moms fine. I-I really needed an excuse to talk to you. That was the only way I could get you talk to me. You weren't answering any of my calls. Come on. I'm really sorry. Forgive me babe. You look beautiful tonight." 


"Yeah of course. You're slow. Babe, I needed to talk to you."

He tries to put his hand on my shoulder. I knock it off quickly.

Oh no he didn't. Who knew he could stoop this low.

My hands clench into a fist. I'm getting hot. I'm sure my face is as red as a pepper now. I raise my fist and punch his face. That's right. A punch. A slap is too little at the moment. He knows I love my mom SO much. This is the only thing that can bring my happiness to anger. His face is speechless.


And another punch comes his way. 


He looks angry. I've never seen him like this. Oh no.

His hands are slightly starting to raise. Correction, fists. Hes shaking in anger. His teeth are clenched together. His eyes are dark. He's looking at my face like hes staring right into my soul. I'm starting to get worried. This isnt good. Hes starting to get closer to me. And closer. I start to back up.

"Mark. Stop." I feel like this is a movie scene.

He backs me up into a wall. I'm cornered.

"M-m--mark? What are you doing?" 

"You asked for it Sam."

I dont let myself feel scared. I shout at him. 


"Oh did I?" His face is just a few millimetres away from mine. I can smell the stench of the beer he had. Hes drunk.

I tremble in anxiety and my whole body does a flip flop. I swallow my fear down my throat.

"You think I went too far? Oh, well I guess we'll see how far I'm about to go now." 


Okay so this was an intense chapter and i know I shouldnt have done it right now, considering theres no one reading right now LOL. but anyway when someone does start reading I'm sorry about the cliffhanger!!!!! Forgive me please :) 

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