Chapter 18: Could it be?

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Kian looks over at Connor as if to say he is sorry. I look at Connor. He doesn't seem to have any room left for forgiveness. It's been about a week since they told him he would have to move out. He found an apartment already and is leaving. Kian rolls his suitcase over and says one last word "Sorry." Then, he opens the door and leaves.

Everyone lets out a sigh of relief and worry at the same time. Jc pats Connors shoulder. "I'm sorry Bro."

"It's okay." 

"The house feels empty without Kian. But we'll get used to it. Either way, we're moving out of this apartment in a month." Jc says. I guess they will get used to it then. Kian has already moved and o2l will soon move to a new home.

"Yeah." Connor turns to look at me, and joins his hand with mine.


"Yeah." I stare into his eyes.

"We really should go on that second date." I laugh.

"I know. The beach seems perfect. The weathers nice and hot.."


"Tommorow." I smile.

The next day

"Connor, stop it!" I laugh and splash the water back at him. Before he can splash it back, I run out of the water quickly. He chases after me. Once he catches up, he grabs me by my wrist and spins me around.

He laughs showing off an adorable smile. I smile back. And then he takes the arm behind his back and brings it towards me which reveals water in his cupped hand. 

"No. No!" I try to squirm out of his reach but he throws the water on me. I playfully punch him and giggle. It's a beautiful day. The sun is shining. The birds are chirping. Cliche, I know but its true! A couple months back, everything was a disaster. And a year before that, I thought I was in the perfect relationship but I wasn't and I am SO glad I got out of it. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to have this wonderful one. 


"Oh yeah? Were you saying something?"

"I said you look beautiful." I blush. 

"Oh stop it you." He laughs and we take a seat on a towel laid out on the sand.

"This was a perfect place for our second date. You were right." 

"Well, they don't call me a genius for nothing." I throw my hair back with my hand and chuckle. He laughs with me.

He holds my hand and says "I love you Sam."

"I love you too Connor. Like a lot."

"Want to hear something?"


"You know the first time I met you, everything felt so weird. I couldn't stop thinking about you. It was really, really weird. That never happened to me before."

"Really? Well, I mean I've never been in love before.. So I guess it's a new thing for everyone."

"I know its cliche, and I didn't believe in at much but do you think it was love at first sight?"

"Love at first sight?" 

"Yeah." He gives a sweet smile.

"Maybe." I entwine my fingers with his.

"Wow. That's- just... maybe we were meant for each other. The moment I saw you.. everything felt different. And here we are, in a relationship. We get along so well. So much better than all my other dating experiences."

"You know it." I give him a wink and laugh. "On a serious note, yeah.. This is probably my best relationship. Not that I've been in many. Just a couple puppy love ones in high school, Mark... and then you. I don't think I'm going to have another relationship after this though. This might be my last one, if you know what I mean."

"I know what you mean." He pecks my lips and I blush. I stare into his dreamy green eyes. The eyes that belong to the person I have fallen in love with. Connor. Connor Franta.


As you can see..... Theres not much left... There is some things left though.. We still don't know why Mark ever dated her.. and a special surprise ;) MAYBE lol

Stay tuned for the next chapters. I wont update them very soon as a warning. My busy month is starting tommorow... Oh and Connors POV? Yeah, thats going to updated more later...

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