Chapter 15: Why?

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Kian quickly takes a seat next to me.

"Sam. Why are you crying?"

"Back up, Kian. I don't want to talk to you." I clench my teeth together. He's the reason Connor and I just had our first fight. No. I can't let him ruin it further. I get up from the driveway and start to walk back home.

"Wait up Sam! Where are you going?' He chases after me. 

"Leave me alone, Kian." I say, not turning to look at him. He puts his hands on my waist, and pulls me towards him.

"Let go of me! What are you doing?" He puts his hands around me. I try to remove them. 

He brings his mouth close to my ear and softly whispers. "I love you, Sam." I freeze. What? I can't believe I supported Kian. He would have already felt guilty if he was doing this just because of the situation with Andrea. So, I was the wrong one. It's my fault. That's why Connor and I had a fight. I feel guilty now. Wait. I need to do something about this right now. 

"Let me go Kian. This is your last warning. I will scream." He places a hand over my mouth. I try to yank it off but he's too strong.

"Just listen to what I have to say, Sam." I muffle loudly for help but it is still so quiet. 

"Sam. I liked you from the start." Wait, what?

"Yes. It's true." I try to say something but then I remember his hand clasps my mouth.

"I know you're wondering why I was so upset with Andrea then, and why I didn't just tell you then. It's because everyone would think of me as disgusting having feelings for another girl while I was dating someone. I could have feelings for anyone I wanted, after I broke up with her. But, I still felt betrayed after she cheated on me. Worthless, you could say. Anyway, it made me really jealous that Connor was dating you. But he doesn't deserve you. You know that right?" He lets go of my mouth for me to respond.

"First of all, there are so many fish in the sea. But you had to pick me." Ooh, that rhymed. Now's not the time. Now is not the time. Shut up!

"Why? Connor likes me a lot, and you don't even care about your best friend! The nerve of you, I swear." I say in disgust. He finally lets me go.

"But Sam. Connor doesn't even deserve you!" 

"What are you talking about? I don't deserve him! Either way, you're not doing a good thing Kian. There are so many other way's you could have gone with this. Even if you liked me, kissing me is one of the worst things you could have done!"

"Sam. Come on now."

"NO, KIAN! Leave me the heck alone!" 

"Okay." Kian walks off in the opposite direction. I let the tears fall. Connor was right. I was just being too nice. I don't even deserve Connor. He's such a sweet guy. He cares so much about me. Connor likes me so much. Honestly, I'm so stupid. It's all my fault. But where do I go from here? Should I call him? Should I go back to his house? No. What if Kian starts more drama? Thats a chance I'm willing to take. It would be better to apologize in person. I sigh.

I head back to their home and knock on the door. I just hope Connor doesn't open the door. I cant face him.. so soon. To my relief, Ricky opens the door.

"Sam? You're back!" 

"Yeah. Connor didn't get the chance to drop me off..."

"Wait what?" 

"Connor and me sort of had a fight. You could say, I guess."

"Oh. Was it about the Kian thing?'

"Yeah." I say sadly.

"No wonder."

"What do you mean?"

"Connor has been in his room ever since. He didn't look so happy."

"Oh." I hope Connor is okay. Oh, this is all my fault! I made him sad. Why do I do this? I hate myself, gosh!

"Um. Do you mind if I go up?"

"No worries."

"Okay." I make my way to Connors room. I knock on the door very softly.

"Who is it?" Connor says. I open my mouth to respond. But nothing comes out. I'm scared if I say my name, he'll be upset at me. I dont want to fight anymore. He thinks I like Kian. I really don't. Not at all. 

"Hellooooo?" Out of frustration, Connor gets up and opens the door. Just by taking one look at his face I can tell, he's been crying. A lot. Did I really hurt him that much? Oh, stupid me. I don't deserve Connor. I should just leave. I knew this was a bad idea. I turn to leave but Connor grabs my wrist. 

"Sam." He says softly.

"Where are you going?" He spins me around to face him, and puts his hands on my cheek. He pushes a strand of hair blocking my face behind my ear. I have to admit. That was pretty sweet. I thought he was really mad at me. But he has been crying a lot. At that thought, I feel a pinch of guilt. It feels horrible. Maybe, I'm just jumping to conclusions. He probably is just really tired.

"I-I just thought this was a bad idea." I stutter. UGH. I sound so stupid!

"Coming to talk to me? That's pretty mature of you." 

"Oh. Um. Thanks?" I say nervously and shuffle my feet. He pulls me into a hug.

"You know, Sam. As hard as this is to admit, I did cry after our fight. Like a lot." The guilt hits me again.

"I'm sorry. Its all my fault, Connor. I shouldn't have supported Kian. I just-" He kisses me all of a sudden. I kiss him back and the nervousness disappears. Just like that.

We kiss for another minute, and then I say "That was.. nice."

He laughs. "So does this mean we're okay?" 

"Of course." I kiss him again.

"Connor. I don't like Kian."

"I know you don't. I just get too heated sometimes. I got so angry that he kissed you.. twice. And in the moment, I thought you liked him back. I'm really sorry, Sam."

"No, it's my fault too! I was being stupid supporting him."

"Well, we don't know what's going on with Kian. Maybe he is really hurt over the break up." I open my mouth to tell him about what happened. But, I decide it's better if he doesn't know. I don't want to hurt him anymore.

"What, Sam? What were you going to say? Tell me." 


"Um. Okay." I look down at my feet not knowing what to say. Instead, I think about everything I've been through these two past months. They have been truly crazy. There have been a lot of downs, but ups too. I think I'm safe from Mark now too. Nothing has happened ever since. I smile. Maybe everything is getting better.

"You know. Your smile is really cute." Connor cuts in between my thoughts.

"Oh, really? Who's talking?' I peck his cheek. He smiles.

"See? You've got a really cute smile too!" He blushes a lot. So cute.

I give him another hug. "I'm glad I met you Connor. You have really brought happiness into my life."

"I'm probably more glad than you, Sam."


3 CHAPTERS IN ONE WEEK!!!??????? Woah insane! I know right. Well, we are getting closer to the end of the book. Aren't we? :)

Make sure to check out Connors POV! Which I will probably be updating less....

And I also will edit later.

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