Chapter 19: Surprise, Surprise.

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Ten Months Later

"He's getting out in two days! I'm worried about her." Connor whispers. I bring my ear closer to the door. I know eavesdropping is wrong but I want to hear what he is saying.

"You can't do anything about it Connor." Jc says.

"Ugh, I know! I wish he could have been in for a little longer at least!"

"I know you do. But, what can you do?" 

"I really love her. I don't want anything to happen to her. You saw what happened before. He doesn't care about her." I smile. Connor cares so much for me.

"Wow. This is most the serious relationship you've had." Jc says.

"Its because I love her. It feels so amazing."  I accidentally hit the door with my foot out of so much joy.

"Wait, what was that noise?" Jc says. Shoot. I quietly try to walk away but Connor opens the door before I can.

"Connor, I-" 

"Shh Sam. Don't say anything." He closes the door and steps outside of his room. He puts his arms around my waist and I rest my head on his shoulder.

"I know you heard everything. It's true. I'm worried about you. You saw what Mark did to you." Connor says softly.

"I'll be fine Connor."

"And what if you aren't?" I look up at his face. He gives me a worried look.

"I'll be fine. Don't worry about me Connor."

"There is nothing you can say or do to make me not worry about you."

"When did you get so sweet?" I smile.

"Seriously Sam. What if he hurts you again once he comes out?"

"You're with me Connor. He won't try to hurt me unless he wants to get beat up again." He smiles.

"I'm not that strong." He smirks.

"Oh really?"

"Okay maybe. But it's not like that's going to protect  you."

"Well actually.."

"What Sam?"

I purse my lips together and quietly say, "I want to meet him."

"You didn't say you wanted to meet him, did you?"

"I did." I whisper.

"What!? Why?" Connor shrieks.

"I want to know why he ever dated me." 


"What?" I say rudely.

"Thats not a good idea." 

"But Connor-"

He puts his finger on my lip "Shh. That's final." He walks away from me like nothing ever happened. Connor doesn't understand. I need to find out why he ever dated me. I'll be fine!  Mark won't try anything if he doesn't want to get hurt again. Will he? Now that I think about, he did send two people to try to kidnap him. What if he does? No. Stop falling into Connors words. You need to meet him and figure out the truth. The truth. I sigh. But Connor won't let me! I guess I'll have to go behind his back then. Doesn't that break our trust? Trust is really important in a relationship.

Our relationship is going so well. It's been about a year for our relationship. Can you believe that? I smile. Except for some ups and downs, and people getting in between such as Kian. It's wonderful. I'm glad that worked out though. Kian moved out and o2l took in a new member to replace Kian, Cole. They've become pretty close to him. He's moved in with them. He is a pretty weird guy though. I see him giving me weird looks all the time. Anyway, he's nice. That's what matters.

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