One// edited

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[do not judge me, I never wrote smut before. First timer!]

Jimin sat criss-cross on the couch watching cartoons as he happily sipped his strawberry milk. He would giggle every so often which would make you smile.

His friend, Jungkook, was there as well sitting next to him. Your friend, F/n, is Jungkook's mommy.

She found him at a bar one day and decided to flirt with him. He was all shy around her which was adorable.

"Jimins so cute!" Your friend said as you were making dinner.

"He really is." You chuckled and smiled to yourself.

"Mommy! Is the food almost done I'm hungry!" Jimin huffed while patting his flat tummy.

"Yes baby it's about to be ready."

The two boys ran into the kitchen and sat at the table as your friend handed them chopsticks.

You placed the bowls of ramen gently in front of them, not wanting to spill the hot liquids.

Everyone ate happily and in silence until you spoke.

"How do you like living with F/n, Jungkook?"

"I love it! She's the best mommy in the whole world!" His response made your friend blush a little.

"That's great!" You smiled at him.

Jimin pouted a little bit, you had all your attention on Jungkook and not him.

Once everyone finished, Jimin and Jungkook went back into the living room to play until Jungkook had to leave.

"Thanks so much Y/n as I always say.. your ramen is the best." F/n chuckled and grabbed hers and Jungkooks coat.

"No problem F/n and thanks for coming over! Jimin seemed so bored without Jungkook here."

"Anytime! See ya!"

"Bye Y/n(ie/or nickname)!" Jungkook waved.

You closed the front door as they left and put the bowls in the sink.

"Ok Jimin it's almost bed time, put your toys away."

"I don't wanna!" He pouted and crossed his arms over his chest. He was disobeying because you didn't give him attention.

"Jimin... pick up your toys now."

"Make me!" He smirked and stuck out his tongue.

This made you get frustrated, "Jimin, if you don't pick up your toys you'll be punished."

He didn't listen.

Instead, he ran upstairs laughing and hiding in his room.

Walking up the stairs angrily, you opened up the door to his room. You could see the lumps under the blanket.

"Jimin." You mutter while ripping the blanket off him.

Dragging him to your room, you lock the door so he won't be able to get out.

"Take your pants off and bend over."

He does as told and bends over your legs.

"Now count."

With each smack he counts till you get to twenty. Small moans would escape out of him and tears as well.

"Did you learn your lesson now?" You ask and he nods.

"Yes mommy, I learned my lesson.."

|Mommy's Little Babyboy| PJM SmutWhere stories live. Discover now