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One of my poems won the best poetry entry in region IX. I was so glad because I felt like I was closing myself to my dream, which was to be a famous poet in Philippines. I received a plaque and an amount of 2000 pesos. My friends, classmates, teachers, family, and of course, Cindy, congratulated me. By that, I was inspired to make new poems. One afternoon, I received an email from a company named Zambo's Veil Co. It's a publishing company for newspapers.

Dear Mr. Reyes,

I'm an editorial staff in Zambo's Veil Co. I'm impressed on the poem that won you the award at the annual regional poetry entry contest. I would like to ask for your permission if we could feature some of your poems for our article about you. I hope for a favourable answer to my request.

Thank you very much. Have a nice day!

Sincerely yours,

Jon Diaz

I was surprised to what I was able to read. I had mix emotions of shock and delight. It's a compliment to get to be featured on the leading newspaper company in Zamboanga City. After a couple of minutes, I scanned for my other compositions and sent it to the address where the email that I received came from. After the messenger finished sending, I headed downstairs and called to my mom excitedly.

"Ma! Zambo's Veil Co. emailed me. They asked if I could permit them to feature my poems to their newspaper and I said yes then emailed them some of my compositions." I said to her.

"That's great Anton, I'm so proud of you, I'm sure that your dad, Cindy, and everyone will be proud of you too." She replied

"I miss Pa already, when will he come home from abroad?"

"Maybe after a year"

"It's been three years already since the last time he was here"

"I know Anton, but I'm sure that you understand why he needs to be away from us, to work for our family's income and your education."

"Yes ma"

"Okay, now I'll be cooking first for our dinner"

I headed back towards my room. Then I searched for my phone then dialled Cindy's number. She picked up after two rings.

"Hi Love, why did you call?" She said.

"Hello Love, I just want to share that Zambo's Veil Co. will be featuring my poems on their newspaper." I replied.

"Wow! That's great; I can't wait to see it."

"Me too"

"Okay Love, I'll need to finish my home work for my math class, maybe we just continue our conversation tomorrow. I love you"

"Okay Love, I love you too"

I ended the call and tried to make a poem to express how I missed my dad. I thought of sending it to him via a chat messenger. After an hour, I completed my poem.

It's been long since the last time;

That you were home drinking lime;

That was your favourite drink;

Yet your face wanted to shrink.

When will you come home again?

I'm asking you now and then;

You just always replied soon;

But your word is like a moon.

Visible yet far away;

Making it to travel long way;

Before I'll be near to it;

How could I make a visit?

I hope you'll forever stay;

In our home where your dreams lay;

And be together with us;

To face the years that will pass.

I sent it to my father's email, and then I learned that he was offline, probably he was still at work. I turned off my laptop and went to the dining table to grab the dinner that my mom prepared.

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