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It was Sunday so our department store was close and by that, I didn't need to go outside the house. Actually, no one leaved the house so we had all of us inside to spend the day together. After eating our breakfast, my mom talked to us while we were still sitting on the chairs by the dining table.

"It is Sunday today so we'll do a general cleaning on the house." Mom said to us.

"Aw, I'm too tired Ma, can I pass?" Dad asked.

"No Pa, no excuses." Mom replied to her.

My dad just laughed.

"Okay, I'll clean outside, Pa, you'll be the one to fix all the things that needs fixing and Anton, you clean here inside. Did you get what I've said boys?" Mom asked.

"Yes Ma." I and Dad replied.

My mom swept the floor outside, and my dad fixed our rooftop because sometimes if there was a heavy rain, the water leaked inside the house from the ceiling floor. I was arranging the things inside our house. After I was able to clean the living room, dining room, comfort room and even the bedroom of my parents, it was my room's turn to clean. I entered my room and arranged all the stuff on a corner so that I could sweep the floor properly without leaving upswept areas. After I moved a cabinet, I noticed a bag that was full of dust and strands of webs from the spiders. I remembered the bag; my parents said once when I was still in the hospital that nothing of my luggage survived the plane crash but a bag. After cleaning it with a feather duster, I opened the zipper of the bag out of curiosity. I was able to find a couple of shirts, pants, other garments, a camera that had lens that was broken and a notebook. I tried the camera but it was not working anymore so I putted my attention to the notebook. I opened it and saw photos of different places, probably tourist spots, foods and other stuffs. When I reached the last page, I saw a picture of a girl standing beside a huge tree that was surrounded by flowers and flying butterflies. I noticed that the girl was pretty and had a beautiful smile. Then I saw the poem, I was thinking if I made it and for whom I made it so I read it. After reading it, I was just staring at it like a ghost; something hit my head and made my heart pumped so fast. It was a poem that I gave to a certain woman, it was the poem that I gave to Megan, and it was the poem that I personally made to give to a woman that I have loved. Flashes of memories came back to my mind like a strong stream of river. My head felt like it was going to burst. I screamed and screamed as I saw flashes of memories passing by my eyes as if the flashes were real and traversing inside my room. I was squeezing my head with the use of my two palms as I screamed from the pain inside my head. I noticed that my parents arrived inside my room and tried to calm down me and then I was blanked out.

I woke up and noticed that I was on bed; my mom was at my side. He said that my dad was just preparing a soup for me.

"Ma, I remembered it all." I said to her.

"Are your memories really come back already?" She asked.

"Yes Ma, and I have to go back at Puerto Prinsesa?"

"Why? I will not agree on that Anton, You know what happened the last you travelled via plane from that place, I will not let happen again what had happen to you."

"Ma, there's a girl there that I fall in love with."

I told her the story of Megan and me, of how we able to knew each other, the moment we had shared and how we had fallen in love. I let her see the picture of her and the poem that I gave her.

"Still, I will not let you travel again Anton, for God's sake please." She said to me.

"Ma, I'm sorry but please let me, she's a part of my life already and I want to see her again and to know what happened to her after my accident." I replied.

"Nothing will change my mind about that."

I was still pleading my case when my dad suddenly entered the room.

"Let him go where he wants to go Ma." Dad said to my mom.

"What? How if Anton will meet an accident again? Tell me?" She replied to him.

"I know that you only care for Anton but we cannot continue to shelter him or barricade him from the things he ought to do just because we fear something might happen to him again. We should always trust him and let him grow again. We're just here to guide him and to support and help him if he stumbled.

After a couple of minutes that my mom had not said anything, finally she had agreed to my proposal.

"Thank you Pa and Ma" I said to them.

"Just take care of yourself always." Mom replied.

"If there's anything that you need or we can help, just tell us." Dad said.

"Okay Ma and Pa, I'll always remember that."

And I hugged them intensely as I could.

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