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I was very tired from that day's activities yet Megan was always in my head whatever I did. I wanted to talk to her and be with her. I enjoyed our little walk-together the day before. I could not explain why I was feeling that way. I still could not call it a love because we just met recently that time but I was attracted to her. I decided to invite her to take our dinner together.

"Hi Megan, are you free tonight?" I texted her

"Yes Anton, why did you ask?" She replied

"I just wanted to invite you for dinner."

"Ah, do you know any place we can eat at?"

"I don't"

"Oh it's okay; I know a place where we can fill our stomachs"

She led me into a smoky house should I say, but the smell that surrounded it made my tummy growl. She said that it was the most famous barbecue restaurant in their place. She continued to talk and talk but I was just focusing my attention to the way she spoke and moved. It was like I was enticed. We ordered barbeques and mango shakes then we settled ourselves to a table to eat.

"Did you like the food?" She asked

"Yes, it's delicious, thank you for bringing me here." I replied

"I am the one who should be thanking you."



She raised the barbeque she was holding and smiled. I was able to laugh at her trying to be funny pose and she laughed back so we were laughing together.

After eating, we walked together at the sea shore when suddenly my phone rang. It was Angie.

"Hi Angie" I said.

"Where are you Anton? It's already late in the evening; our other co-workers are worried about you already." She asked.

"I'm just having a good time Angie, don't worry about me anymore. Please tell that to others."

"Okay Anton, just be sure to make it back here safe and we have to work early tomorrow."

"Yes Angie, I know."

"Okay, take care of yourself, bye."

"Bye too"

I ended the call and putted my cell phone back inside my pocket.

"Who is that Angie, your girlfriend?" Megan asked

"No, she is just one of my co-workers, and she's older than me, she's like a big sister to me." I replied.

"I see" She said with a smile.

She pointed a spot where a group of people was tinkering things on the ground.

"They will have fireworks display here later" She said

"That's great, It's so long since the last time I saw a fireworks display. Will you watch it with me?" I asked.

"Sure Anton."

I felt that my lips formed an arc of smile.

We watched the fireworks display later that evening. It was so beautiful that all of the people who watched could not keep their mouths close from being in the state of amazement. While watching different kinds of beautiful fireworks that displayed different colours and shapes in the night sky, I could not keep myself from looking at Megan's eyes. It was so beautiful already and the fireworks colour added liveliness and vibrant to her eyes. She didn't notice that I was looking at her because she was busy watching the fireworks display. I was more entranced with her by then and I felt that I was starting to fall for her already. I returned my gaze to the fireworks display but I could not keep my urge to hold her hand and yes, I wasn't able to stop myself from holding her hand but I didn't look at her because I was afraid of what would be her reaction might be. I felt that she was shocked at first; I thought she would get her hands away from mine but instead, she had done nothing and returned her gaze also at the fireworks display without saying anything. So I didn't also let go of her hand.

When the fireworks display has ended. We took our walk together towards her home but neither of us were looking or saying something to each other. Maybe because we were embarrassed of what happened during the display that placed us in that awkward situation. When we got nearer to her home, I started to talk to her.

"I'm sorry about what happened earlier." I said to her

"No, you should not be sorry, it's just that I can't explain what I'm feeling right now. It's like my heart is skipping a beat. I liked it when you touch my hand. In fact, I think that I like you already." She replied.

I was surprised from the words that I heard from her mouth.

"I like you too, and I think I'm starting to fall for you." I said to her.

She just looked me in the eyes while not saying anything. I also looked her in the eyes while caressing her waist with my hands. I felt a surge of heat filling up my body as I stared at her tempting lips. I did not already ask for permission, I kissed her instantly and closed my eyes. Her eyes did as well while our lips pounding each other.

I was back at my roomin the hotel. I could still feel Megan's kiss and the slenderness of her waistwhen suddenly I remembered all about Cindy. So I prayed then talked to her inmy mind as if her soul was being animated in my mind, saying sorry and thankingher for everything and wishing her well wherever her soul is staying.    

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