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During the four days that had passed after I was finished with our work, I made an excuse to my co-workers saying that I just wanted to spend my time walking alone by the seashore but they didn't know it was just to be with Megan. During those days, it was Megan who was my companion for dinner. We talked about a lot of ourselves, our pasts, dreams, habits, favourites and many more. We spent most of our time walking by the sea shore while our hands clasped together and saying things to complement each other's appearance. I did not say anything about Megan to my family and co-workers and I intended it to last that way until the day that I would get to marry her, but at that time, I was just happy that she was mine and we were sweet towards each other.

The day before I would go back to Zamboanga City, I invited her to a room where I set up a dinner arrangement that consisted of candles, a wine, a sweet music, roses and foods. When she got into the room, she was surprised at first but amazed in what I prepared for her.

"Did you like it?" I asked her.

"Yes, I really do." She answered.

"I'm glad to see you happy."

She hugged me and kissed me on my lips. Then we led ourselves to the dining table. I turned on the music and let the melody swayed inside the room.

"I'll miss you Anton" She said.

"I'll miss you too Megan, I will really miss you." I replied

"I hope you can get back sooner or I can go to you as soon as possible."

"We'll pray for that."

After we filled our stomachs, we sat ourselves in a sofa. My arm was on her shoulders while her head was lying on my chest.

"Before I'll go back in my place, I got something for you." I said

I started to reach for an envelope and gave it to her. She opened it and shocked by what she saw. A poem, she started to read the words that were placed in an unfolded paper.

I thought I lost it that day;

The touch that keeps me at bay;

When I lost a cherished one;

I'm like a featherless swan.

But when you have crossed my path;

You had given me a lot;

Not only reason to live;

But also love to receive.

I love you to death, Megan;

I hope that you won't be gone;

In my arms while I'm away;

And return to you one day.

Hoping our love would not fade;

And the moments we have made;

My touch is once again back;

That once been wrapped in a sack.

"I thought you would not make any poems anymore?" Megan asked.

"Since the day you came into my life, I feel motivated again." I replied

"You're so sweet, I love you."

"I love you too"

She placed the paper on the table and kissed my lips. We kissed and kissed for a couple of minutes and my lips brushed her lips then her ear down to her neck. I also touched her on her waist and other curves. I removed her clothes and I felt I'm seeing an angel's naked body.

"Your body is perfect Megan" I said to her.

"Thanks for the compliment" She replied.

Then I continued to kiss and touch her nakedness. I removed also my clothes and I felt that we were united that night, that we were one that night. No garments or barriers to keep us from being together. Nothing covered us that night as we exposed all of ourselves to each other. All night, we made love up to the limit of our passions.

A Poet's Tragic LoveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz