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After 3 days, it was on the Zambo's Veil Co.'s newspaper.



By: Jon Diaz

It featured some of the poems that I sent like "The Broken Wings" and "Magical Rose". I was pleased that he didn't try to touch any of them. He also added some statements about me, where I was studying, where I lived and etc. Felix, one of our neighbours, approached me as I was walking myself to the mall.

"Hi Anton" Felix said.

"Hello Felix" I replied.

"I saw the newspaper today and it featured you. On your way to fame already, isn't it?"

"Oh it was just by a coincidence, I'm just lucky that I won the regionals that made an editorial staff notice me."

"I hope that I would be a famous song writer too someday."

"Just always believe in yourself Felix. You may experience failures sometimes but don't ever give up. Some successful people also experienced failures in their lives but what made them different is that they never gave up. An example would be Thomas Edison; he failed approximately 20 times before he was successful on inventing a light bulb."

"Okay Anton, I'll always remember that. Thank you"

"You're always welcome Felix"

He waved his hand to me that signified a good bye then started walking towards their home. I checked my watch then to my surprise, it was already 4:30 p.m., and I hurriedly walk towards the mall being scared that the stall where I would buy the things that I needed to bring for the national contest in poetry making would be close already.

It was the day of my flight bound to Manila for the national poetry making contest. Of course, I was the representative of our school. My mom and Cindy accompanied me to the airport and before I boarded the plane that was due to me, each one of them bid their good byes to me.

"Take care yourself Anton" Mom said.

"Yes Ma" I replied.

"Don't forget to eat and do your best"

She kissed me on my cheeks

"I know you can do it Love, I love you" Cindy said.

"I will always remember that, I love you too" I replied

I kissed her on her forehead. I wanted to kiss her on her lips but it would be awkward with my mom together with us. I waved my hand on them then I boarded the plane, tucked in the seatbelt, putted on my earphones and waited for our departure.

I reached Manilawithin two hours then suddenly felt hungry so I settled myself at a fast foodcalled Sandwich Queen. After I made my stomach full, I reached for a taxi thentold the driver to get me to the hotel where the Philippine Poetry Associationissued to us, their contestants. I reached the hotel within 1 hour or more thanof it, I didn't know because I wasn't able to track the time on my watch but Iwas sure of the cause of our delay, heavy traffic. Manila is known for theirroads that experience heavy traffic congestions. I remembered a thesis that Iread about traffic congestion analysis. It states there that the major cause ofheavy traffic congestions in a city is the existence of so called "colorum"drivers. When I reached my room at the hotel, I arranged my luggage and startedto take a bath. After I took my bath, I ate my dinner then submerged myself tosleep, readying my mind and body for tomorrow's contest.    

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