222 18 36

january 22, 10:36pm

dan: hey phil

dan: for starters i wanna say i'm sorry

dan: you're asleep rn and i need you to know that when you wake up i'll be gone

dan: probably for awhile

dan: james texted me

dan: he says if i don't come back to him then he'll kill pj

dan: i waited until now so that you wouldn't try to come or to stop me

dan: this has gone too far i need to stop it

dan: just please don't try to help i don't need you hurt

dan: i'm hurting everyone by staying here

dan: i'm sorry

dan: but just know that it was always you

dan: i have a crush on you <3

dan: like a super big one

dan: this is hard but i think it'll be for the best and i hope you understand

dan: tell chris everything if you can

dan: i don't want to do it myself

dan: i don't know what james wants me for but it can't be good so

dan: if we never see each other again

dan: i love you

dan: always did
read, 12:52am

phil: dan
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phil: please don't
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phil: i'm sorry please don't do this why didn't you tell me i could have helped
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phil: we could've called the police
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phil: made it all stop
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phil: please come back
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phil: please
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phil: why are you trying to do something this insane without me
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phil: come home i can't sleep
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phil: i love you too
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