6. You Pushed Me

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Once again I woke up right next to Jon. I thought about last night, and blushed. Jon was practically laying on me, he had his head on my chest and his arm draped over my stomach. I looked over to see what time it was, the clock read 6:33. I knew I had to get up and get ready to leave to the next city, but I didn't want to ruin this little moment. I reluctantly, and gently slipped out of Jon's grasp. He stirred around till he got comfy again. I sighed and went to my suitcase to get some clothes out to wear. I constant plated whether or not to change in the bathroom or in here. It was super cold, and I was standing right next to the heater.

I looked over at Jon to make sure that he was sleeping still, his back was turned facing me. So I went ahead and got changed.

I was taking off my pants when I heard Jon moving around.

"Nice ass." I turned around to see him watching me with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and quickly put my jeans on. I threw a shirt on walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth and do my hair. I was in the middle of brushing my hair when I saw Jon standing there in the door way watching me, I smiled.

"Morning." I said to him as I tied my hair into a ponytail.

"Morning." He replied in that damn sexy, raspy, morning voice of his.

I walked past him headed to the living room. I heard footsteps coming up behind me, and his arms wrapping around my waist. "Jon!!" I giggled as he tossed me onto the bed. He was hovering over me. We were a few moments away from kissing, but got interrupted by a knock coming from the door.

"Jon get the door." I told him.

Jon didn't move, so I pushed his fat ass off of me and he fell to the floor with a big thud. I giggled and got up running to the door. I opened it, and it was Joe.

"Hey whats up?" I asked a little winded from running.

He welcomed himself in, walking right past me.

"Sure come in." I said sarcastically to myself.

"Just wanted to see if you guys were ready." He turned around facing me.

"Uhhh, yeah we packed our stuff last night." I replied.

"Oh good.." He trailed off as he looked over into my bedroom. Jon was still on the floor...

"Umm whats up with him?" He asked looking confused.

"Eh, ignore him." I said shaking my head. "K well, meet you guys downstairs." He walked away leaving.

As he closed the door, I laughed and walked into my room.

"You pushed me.." Jon said getting up off the ground.

"Yeah and i'll do it again, if you don't get ready." I said with a smirk in my voice.

He hung his head defeated, and left to his room to get ready.

Jon finished getting ready. I walked out of my room into the living room to see Jon standing there with both of our luggage. I smiled.

"Ready." He asked

"Let's go." I replied grabbing my suitcase, wheeling it behind me.

We met up with Colby and Joe. I was planning on riding with Jon, but Colby started taking my luggage and putting it in the trunk of his rental car. I frowned.

Colby and I got in, he was driving. I put my headphones in my ears and looked out the window. All of sudden my earphones got pulled out of my ears, I felt my ears turn red. I turned over to look at the corporate who made my ears hurt.

"WHAT THE FUCK COLBY!!!" I yelled at him punching him in his arm, making him wince.

"OW, I was trying to get your attention!" He yelled back.

"I COULDN'T HEAR YOU!" I yelled defending myself.

"NO SHIT THAT'S WHY I PULLED THEM OUT!" He said back yelling.

"WELL!? What do you want." I lowered my voice now touching my throbbing ears.

"Jesus I don't know maybe I wanted to converse with my best friend to see she how she was doing!" He said.

"Oh...sorry." I said now realizing I was ignoring him.

"Its fine. Anyways, how are you?" He said not taking his eyes off the road.

A part of me wanted to tell him about Jon, because I was so fucking confused and I needed to talk to someone about it. But I decided not to say anything about it.

"I'm good." I said in a not so convincing voice. He looked at me.

"Are you sure?" He asked in a worried tone.

"Your not...depressed are you?" He asked concerned.

"What? No, no i'm not depressed." I said looking at him strangely.

"Just making sure." He turn his attention back to the road.

"You've sure been hanging with Jon a lot." I felt my heart flutter, when I heard his name being said.

"Yeah.. he's a really cool guy." I said trying to act natural.

"I'm glad you guys hit it off." He smiled.

"Mhm." I mumbled as I looked out the window.

6 hours later, we finally arrived to the next city. We're staying at this huge hotel that has suits with 4 rooms. We all decided to share a suit together. We all piled into the suit one by one, everyone was complaining that they were hungry and tired. Joe went over to the phone to order Chinese food.

The suit was huge, it had four bedrooms, a huge kitchen and living area. There were two bedrooms on one side and another two across the suit, they were also connected with a conjoining door. I walked over to the couch, and plopped down. Joe had just got done ordering food, and Colby and Jon were taking their luggage into their rooms. I got up to go get my luggage, but I couldn't find them.

"Hey guys where'd my luggage go?" I asked. Joe shrugged, and Jon came out of i'm guessing his room.

"I put them in there." He said pointing to the room right next to his.

"Thanks." I said as I walked into my room, closing the door behind me so I could have privacy. I walked over to my suitcase to unzip it to grab a pair of black spandex short shorts, and a white tank top. Once I finished I walked back into the living area where the guys were. They were surrounding a bag of Chinese food. "Ooh Yum." I said as Joe handed me a take out box full of food. We all sat around the coffee table on the floor eating while watching some television.

Jon set his empty box down, and got up.

"I'm headed to bed, night." He said and walked away to his room.

Once the rest of us finished, we decided to call it a night also and went to our rooms. I was pulling down my blankets, when I heard a knock coming from the conjoined door. It opened to reveal a very tired looking Jon.

I sat down on my bed, and looked at him.

"Can I lay with you?" He asked softly.

"Sure." I replied, patting the spot next to me.

He walked over and got on the other side of the bed. I turned around so that we were facing each other. We just laid there starring into each others eyes. It was nice.

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