37. I Promise.

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* I skipped the whole Vegas thing because there was nothing interesting. So this chapter is starting from when they got back on the road*

It's been a week since Jon and I came back to work from our break/ little vacation. It was so nice spending time with him again, it felt like nothing had ever happened between us, we are stronger than we ever were. I told Colby three days into it that we had gotten back together. He was actually pretty stoke, and was so happy and supportive of us. Joe was overly too excited as we FaceTimed him and he was yelling at his wife that she owed him $50 due to a bet that if Jon and I would ever get back together. All was good and I feel like life is going great again. Currently we're in Iowa, for raw, and Jon and I are sitting in our hotel room.

It's weird because on the last day of us being in Vegas, Jon told me he had to run an errand, and ever since then he's been very nervous around me, like he's holding onto a secret. It's been bothering me, but I try not to let it.

"Hey babe?" Jon called, breaking me from my thoughts.

"Yeah, what's up?" I replied.

He walked over and sat on the bed that I was currently sitting on holding my laptop in my lap.

"I want to take you out tonight." He smiled.

"Where to?" I inquired.

"It's a surprise." He winked.

I giggled and he got up from the bed, and was about to walk away, but stopped in the middle of the door way. He turned around to face me and grinned, "I'll see you at five." He winked and left.

About two hours later it was four and I decided to get ready. I was looking for something cute to wear and decided to go with the cream color dress with skulls on it. I ran into the bathroom to get a start on my hair and makeup which was minimal. I finished up with that, and slipped on my dress that came above knees. I paired it with my leather jacket since it was a bit nippy out but not too cold and some low cut chuck Taylor's.

Jon had gotten ready before me and was waiting on the couch. I walked out of the room carrying my small cross bag with me, as I walked out I saw that Jon was in deep thought.

He snapped out of his thoughts once he saw me. His eyes widened and his smirk grew into a smile showing off his dimples.

"What?" I asked blushing.

I mean I wasn't wearing anything spectacular, yet he was looking at me like I was his prom date in a beautiful gown.

He looked down and I noticed his cheeks were red. He got up and walked over to me still wearing that beautiful smile.

"Nuthin, it's just that you're wearing the same outfit you wore on our first date."

I looked down at what I was wearing and back up at him. "Really? Huh." I replied chuckling.

I didn't even realized that it was the same outfit, and I was astonished how he even remembered.

"Well shall we?" He shrugged it off, and held his hand out for me.

"We shall." I replied lacing my hand in his.

He smiled and we left to the car. I kept asking for a hint to where we're going but he kept saying I'll find out soon.

Jon pulled over to the side of the curb. I looked around confused, as he got out of the car made his way over to me.

He opened my door and helped me out. We got up to the curb and he held his hands over my eyes.

"Jon!?" I laughed.

"Don't worry I got you." He replied laughing back.

I had no clue were he was leading me to. He opened the door and I could hear People playing pool and tv's playing sports. The noise soon drowned out as I heard another door open and I could feel a breeze.

Jon finally removed his hands from my eyes, revealing the place he had taken me.

I looked around at my surrounding and I broke out into a smile. It was the place Jon and I had our first date.

I turned around to face Jon, and saw him holding a ring in his hand.

My heart began to race.

"Jon." I started.

He chuckled, "Don't worry I'm not proposing, at least not yet."

I gave him a confused look. Why would he have a ring if he wasn't proposing?

"It's a promise ring." He explained.

I was in shock. Never in my whole life did I ever think the lunatic fringe Dean Ambrose would be giving someone a promise ring, let alone me.

"I brought you to this place not only because it was our first date, but because it was when I realized that I was truly and utterly in love with you, and wanted to spend every waking moment of my life with you." He said looking deep into my eyes.

"What happened between us was the worst thing that has ever happened to me in my entire life, and I've had a lot of shit happen to me. I never want to loose you ever again, April. I love you too much to loose you." He reached into his pocket and pulled out another ring. It was more masculine than the one in his other hand.

"So I'm promising to love you for as long as I live April Jeanette Mendez, because I want to spend the rest of my life with you and only you." He began to slip the ring onto his finger.

I sniffled a bit due to the fact I was tearing up.

"I know it's cheesy and stuff." He chuckled.

"No, it's sweet." I smiled up at him.

He smiled back.

I lifted my hand up to him and he slid the beautiful ring onto my ring finger. I threw my arms around him and gave a him a kiss, he smiled through it.

"I love you Jon." I said pulling away.

He rested his forehead on mine.

"I love you April."

In that moment I knew that I was the luckiest girl in the whole world.


Ahhhhh I finished it!!!!! I'm so happy and sad that this is over. This is the first story I ever wrote and I'm so proud of it. I want to say thanks to everyone whose read it and enjoyed it. So yeah I hope you like the ending and once again thank you. 😊

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