Chapter Thirty-Three- The Plan

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Jaina exhaled. Batman was glaring at her, but so far he was the only one who had noticed that she was trying to get everyone's attention.

"Everyone," He barked. It didn't matter how loud or how soft he was. It didn't matter how powerful you were. When Batman spoke, everyone listened. 

"I believe that Jaina Solo, a member of the Green Lantern Corps and the Jedi Knights, has something to say."

Jaina's mind went blank. All eyes were on her. This was worse than any senate briefing she'd ever been to. Everyone wanted to hear her plan. Everything depended on her remembering everything that PAdme had told her. Was this how Jessica felt all the time?

"Hey," Said a small voice. Jessica appeared from the crowd, standing by Jaina. She helped her mentor slip on her Lantern ring. 

"I'm here for you," She whispered, holding Jaina's hand tightly. "No matter what."

Jaina inhaled, and began.

"Thank you all for coming, she nodded to the strange heroes and the alien corps.

"As you may or may not know, all life in the Universe is under attack by the Black Lanterns, the extreme end of the emotional spectrum. They are a series of corpses, reanimated through their power rings, of which we believe they have an unlimited supply."

She squared her shoulders back, "And they will come here, to Earth, the source of all life, to snuff it out."

There was a loud hissing, and the only Orange Lantern present, resembling a vicious mix of a boar and a reek, barreled forward, crashing into the table a foot away from where Jessica stood. 

"No! No, not Earth! Will go to Vega! Will steal Larfleeze's corps! Larfleeze must go! Must keep Black rings from stealing Larfleeze's corps!"

"Larfleeze!" The Blue Lantern Guardian barked. "You promised to stay."

"No!" Larfleeze snarled, "Larfleeze must go!"

"Larfleeze, if you leave, then the deal is off," The Guardian said, head held high.

Larfleeze muttered bitterly, but he didn't immediately turn and fly out the window.

"What deal?" Jaina asked, forgetting that she had a plan to put into place.

On of the Blue Lanterns bowed respectfully to Jaina. "When Larfleeze proved most difficult to convince, Sayd promised that in return for his help, he would serve Larfleeze for a thousand years."

"Oh," Jaina gasped.

"It is quite alright, my dear," Sayd smiled kindly. "If we survive this, I shall live for another eternity. It will be but a moment to serve him."

"Not to mention Larfleeze's species only live for a couple more decades anyway," Guy whispered to Jaina.

The largest Red Lantern grumbled, a sort of sizzling red liquid dripping from his mouth like drool. The rest of his corps had the same appearance.

"Why did the Guardians not offer their service to the Red Lanterns, then? Are we less than Larfleeze?"

"We don't have an unlimited number of Guardians, guys! And we don't have much time, either!" Jaina snapped.

One of the Red Lantern's soldiers shot forward, clothed in a black and red leotard, with bony wings to keep her afloat.

"So much anger," She hissed, dragging her finger along the curve of Jaina's face. Jaina refused to let the Red Lantern see her afraid.

"So much rage..." She grinned.

"Bleez, that's enough!" The Blue Lantern stepped forward again, point his ring at her. Bleez hissed and leaped back to her master.

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