Star City 2046

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3rd person.

The new Green Arrow in 2046 is shooting at the legends. This angered the strange girl in a red leather jacket. She jumps onto the same platform as the green Arrow "hey greeny back away and leaves these people be." She says in a warning tone. The Green Arrow looks at her and walks away. She turns to see the legends but they already had retreated to the Waverider. She smirks to herself just how she remembers it.

A few hours later the girl is looking over a street fight between The green arrow and Some armed robbers. The free arrow gets hit and Rip and Sara go after him. The girl follows behind them.

When she gets to Sara, Rip and the green arrow she sees Grant Willson. Oh and does she hates him. "I'm going to enjoy killing you... or we will!" Grant screams as his followers arrive ready to fight. The masked girl jumps in front of the three and starts fighting Grant Willson's men off with ease. the green arrow escaped with Rip and Sara. but she knew exactly where they were going so she followed. 

"Slade had a son?" Sara says confused. The girl hides in the shadows. "Look, Oliver tried. He tried to raise an army to fight Deathstroke, but... everyone just wanted to evacuate. How can you save a city that doesn't want to be saved?" Green arrow states. Sara looks down, Rip notices this. "A moment. Sara, I know what you must be thinking, but none of what has transpired here is your fault, nor do you have the means to change it, but Vandal Savage's future is preventable. I implore you, please stay focused on our mission." Rip turns back to the green arrow. "We're very grateful for your assistance, but we really must be moving along to Smoak Technologies." "What for? That place has been cleared out for years, but a lot of Felicity Smoak's projects got relocated." Green arrow tells them. "Where?" "Come on. follow me." the girl says stepping out so they can see her. "it's you! You stopped him from killing us." Sara points out. "that's me." she waves a little with a sly grin. "Bitch." the green arrow mutters. "didn't say I wasn't one," she calls back with her grin still on her face. 

she takes them to the arrow bases. "You didn't say that Felicity's equipment would be here." Sara states emotions running through her head. "Well, where else would you think it'd be?" The green arrow replies. Rip whistles at the terrible state the base is in. "Mr. Queen's base of operations appears to have seen better days." the green arrow sighs "Yeah, well... the place got attacked after Grant Wilson outed Queen as the Green Arrow." "Let's just find what we're looking for and get out of here," Sara says wanting to leave as soon as possible. " Whoever's there, get out. I said get out!" Oliver shouts holding a gun. Just like the girl remembers being told about this trip. "Whoever you are, get out." Oliver comes into veiw. "Oliver?" Sara questions. "Hello, Sara. Long time, no see." Oliver smiles. "Is that..." Rip starts. "Oliver Queen. Everyone thinks that you're dead." The green arrow says felling hurt. "They're not wrong. Put the arrow down, John. You're embarrassing yourself." Oliver states. "John?" the girl questions with a chuckle. "John Diggle Junior." "My dad is dead because I couldn't save him. I don't deserve his name. I'm Connor Hawke." "So you won't take his name, but it's all right to parade around in someone else's outfit?" Oliver questions. "Well, someone has to, because last time that I checked, you were dead. Everyone thought you were dead. I've been trying to hold this city by myself because I thought you were gone." John says really hurt. "What happened to you? To Laurel, to my dad... Felicity..." Sara starts tears starting to form in her eyes. "They're gone. All of them." "What do you mean? Ollie..." Oliver whispers "Gone. What do you want me to say, Sara? 30 years ago, you and Ray hopped on a spaceship, and you never came back." Oliver says. "lier!" the girl half shouts. Oliver sighs at the girl who stated the truth. "Take the mask off Lucinda." Sara and Rip look at each other weirdly thinking the same thing. "Lucinda and you laughed at my name." John chuckles. Lucinda the girl takes off the mask. "I go by LH now if you don't mined." She crosses her arms. "Thought you were your fathers light?" Oliver raises an eyebrow. "I was until he left me, when he did that Lucinda Hunter died inside just like you." she spits. Rip knows that the tall woman with blonde hair and blue eyes standing in front of him is his baby girl she is his Lucinda.  "You thought I was dead. What are you doing here?" Oliver asks changing the subject. "They are looking for a Neuromorphic Prototype that Felicity Smoak was working on," Lucinda says coldly. "Felicity left after everything that happened. Everything her company was working on is being kept in a warehouse at Adams and O'Neil. The entry code is 4-5-8-7." Oliver says turning away. "Thank you, Mr..." Rip starts but Oliver cuts him off. "You found your way in... find your way out." "That's my cue to leave as well." she turns to Rip "love her as long as you can, because she won't be a little girl for much longer not in her heart anyway." with that she leaves, leaving Rip to think about what his grown-up daughter is on about.

I'm sooooooooooo sorry I haven't updated in a month I've been suuuuuuper busy 

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