Chapter 21

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*laughs menacingly*


"I still don't know why you had me dress so fancy." Niall tells me, looking at his outfit insecurely.

I admire his adorable beige cashmere sweater with fitted dark brown jeans. He wore his best cologne and smells and looks like a rich college boy. He even combed his hair to the side.

Niall doesn't know we're going to a five star restaurant out of town. It's a really classy place, so I made him look his very best.

Of course, I also looked my best. I put on a black blazer over a white tee, with really dark blue jeans and black dress shoes. I trimmed my facial hair, and personally, I look pretty damn sexy.

I grab Niall's hand and kiss his bottom lip. We walk out of the school grounds and wait for a taxi.

"It's a surprise." I whisper.

A taxi stops and both Niall and I sit in the back seat.

Niall gets the sense where we're going is so far, and he's really excited. After thirty-five minutes of driving we make it in front of a massive building.

I pay the fee of 25.20 pounds and get out of the cab. Niall gasps.

"Zayn, oh my god you didn't have to do this."

I reach for his hand. "You deserve this. I'm so proud of you."

He intertwined our fingers as we enter the high-ceiling restaurant.

"How many people." Asks a waiter at the front podium.

"Two," I reply.


"Yes, Zayn Malik."

The man looks at the list and nods. "Please come with me."

He leads us to a small table with a white table cloth. I sit down on one side of the table, and Niall does the same on the other.

"Someone will be back to take your order." The worker politely says before walking away.

I look around. The room is lit at every corner, with the sound of mindless chatter and fine silverware on china filling the room. These people look so rich, not giving a care in the world.

But then I look at Niall, and notice he is staring around the room too. As always, he looks beautiful. Now knowing he will soon be out of reach, I'm going to savor every thing that is him.

"This is definitely better than Denny's." I joke.

Niall glances my way, gives a sad smile, and looks down at the menu in front of him.

I frown,"Niall if you still think I'm mad, I'm not."

His eyes travel to a table filled with men and women laughing in expensive dresses and suits. He lets out a large breath, but says nothing.

"Niall, babe, what's wrong?" I'm worried. He should be happy. He should always be happy.

"It's just," He starts. "Look around. Look at all these people. They probably come here all the time, enjoying their overpriced dinner and expensive wine. Just look."

And I do look, and I realize we are outcasts. Outsiders. We may look fancy, but compared to these people, we look cheap.

"Zayn, I don't belong in a place like this. A-and being here is m-making me nervous." He gulps, and lightly begins to shake.

No. Not here. Don't get an anxiety attack now.

After being with Niall for a while now, he has probably had no more than four anxiety attacks. And I've been with him during all four. This is now the fifth. And throughout all those times, I've gotten him to calm down. Now I have to stop it before it starts.

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