Chapter 24

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My body sweats under the heavy material of my suit. If only they mentioned today was going to be five hundred degrees outside I wouldn't be wearing all black.

But, who cares. Today is beautiful, exciting, and the start if a new beginning. A few rows in front of me, Niall turns and smiles, happiness in his eyes. I smile back, happy as well. Because, how can I not be?

Our principal stands on the stage, clearing his throat. "And that was our band's performance of our school anthem. Now, may I introduce Liam Payne, our senior valedictorian!"

I shout Liam's name, and so does everyone else sitting around me on the football field and bleachers. Liam waves to the crowd and grins. He was using his charm as always.

"Hello, parents, family, friends, and fellow graduates. Look around you. These people each have a story, a memory about this school. And now, here we are. Graduating and preparing for a life worths of memories and experiences. I cannot describe how much I will miss this school, or the friends I made with it."

Liam finds me within the sea of people, and I wave, being goofy. He chuckles, and it is heard throughout the loud speakers. "Today should be a day of celebration. We're finally graduating! After the days and days of homework and hopeless nights thinking your stress will never go away, we conquered it all and this is our reward. If you're like me, you are going to a small uni just not that far from here. But, if you're like my friends, you are traveling across the ocean to America, and isn't that crazy how education can bring us to new places? So don't underestimate the power of your mind."

He spoke for a while longer, talking about the teachers and staff and also his experience at Royal Wolverhampton School. After he finished, applause was given and he walked to his spot in front of all the rows. I moved my clammy hands to wipe my palms on my navy blue gown. This was it. It's time.

People who I didn't know or talked to walked onto the stage and obtained their diplomas. After that, I started seeing people I knew. I saw Justin, Josh, and Perrie walk across the stage. It felt like forever, but I heard the name, "Niall Horan." and I instantly jumped onto my feet and screamed,

"Yeah Niall! Whoo! YEAH!"

I also heard my family screaming as well as the now brown haired Niall walks up the stage stairs and confidently shaking our principal's hand, getting his diploma in return. I sit back down, now bored.

But I continue to whoop now and then for my friends. And finally, what do you know, it's me preparing to earn my diploma. My brain prepares for what I say to my principal as I shake his hand.

"Thank you, sir."

"I had a great time at this school."

"Hope to see you in the future"

"It's about fucking time."

I shake my head at the last one. I'll just stick with saying thank you.

And suddenly, my name is called. "Zayn Malik." I hear the shouts and yells of my family and friends. A smile goes on my face when my diploma is placed in my hands and my lungs can finally move. I can literally feel freedom in my hands. Finally, no more fucking high school.

I turn to look at the students and find Niall. I grin at him with my teeth showing and eyes crinkled. He waves and pumps his fist, and I can't hear him, but the movements of his mouth indicate he's telling me something. I see the words, "I love you." and I quickly mouthed back, "I love you too."

After thanking my principal I walk down the steps and take a big breath in. I know my education isn't fully over yet, but it's just so calming to know a whole new beginning is happening, but I'm starting it with the people I love.

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