Chapter 2

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"Buzz! Buzz!!" The alarm rings. Chiamaka keeps turning left and right on her bed.

"Buzz! Buzz!!" it continues ringing until she forcefully wakes up panting, like she had a nightmare.

"Ohh you're finally awake," Ifunanya says, holding a mug with steam flowing out of it.

It is already bright in the morning, the usual hot morning sun of the south western part of the country known as Nigeria.

"Ugh," Chiamaka whines as the bright sun rays shining through the room's window, focuses on her face.

"Bad dream?" Ifunanya asks.

"Seems so," Chiamaka replies.

"Really? Can you remember what it was about?" Ifunanya inquires.

"Well, for some strange reason, in this dream, it was my birthday," she starts narrating the incident that recently occurred.

"And it was like you were some badass fighter," she adds, concluding her narration.

"Ohh you don't say," Ifunanya says, slowly sipping her tea, from her mug.

"I know right? Sounds like some anime or so," Chiamaka says, shaking her head.

"My life," she adds.

"Anyway, it was all just a dream, now what's for breakfast before I go back to my miserable life of dealing with an annoying supervisor," she says, as she gets off the bed and walks out of the room down to the sitting room.

She is a bit shocked when she sees ID, Tobi and Tomisin engaging in a conversation in the sitting room.

"Hey, feeling better?" ID asks.

She stands at the passage staring for a while.

"Yeaaahhh, it wasn't a dream," Ifunanya whispers, sipping her tea behind Chiamaka.

"No! No!! No!!!" Chiamaka quickly shuts her eyes, shakes her head and runs back into her room.

ID with a tired face, looks at Ifunanya who responds with a sigh. After an hour, Chiamaka rushes out of her room, freshened and dressed up.

"I'll see you guys in a bit," she says to ID and Ifunanya, looking weirdly at Tobi and Tomisin, and exits.

"Hope say she dey alright sha," Tobi comments after she leaves.

Ifunanya sighs.

"Fine!! I'll go with her," she adds. She quickly packs her hair the usual way like a bun and leaves the house.

Chiamaka makes her way back to the school library, alights from the taxi she took, takes a deep breath, smiling and gives off a sigh of relief when she stands in front of the library.

"It's all intact. I knew it was a dream," she says, smiling as her hair sways due to the cool breeze blowing around.

"Ha ha. Joke's on you Ify," she adds.

"No way for you to explain this now."

Ifunanya arrives, seeing Chiamaka smiling and gazing at the library. After hearing what Chiamaka says, she makes a slight hiss and sighs.

"Yeah the library is the normal however Amaka what you saw was not a dream," she says after the sigh.

"What?!" Chiamaka quietly exclaims.

"Don't tell me you have some hocus pocus explanation for these now," she adds.

"How do you want to explain the fact that the damaged library has been fixed immediately, Ify which zobo do you want to give me now?" she asks.

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