Chapter 10

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Previously on Talents Activate...

Chiamaka, a lady who did not believe in the supernatural, has been opened into a new reality, a world of beings able to manipulate blades, wield flames, invade minds, and affect different forces. A mysterious man, Ezeogu, having the probability of being her father wants to take her for reasons best known to him but her friends resist. After a battle to save her life, ID comes out victorious, saving Chiamaka from the swordsmith, Ife. Meanwhile, a raging occurred in the Eastern region, Ikeoku and Ezeogu make their move, passing a message for Nelo to deliver.


"Time Up!!!" the test administrator shouts.

With a deep sigh, Chiamaka packs all her papers together, sluggishly stands up and walks up front, submitting her test papers to the examiner. She proceeds to take her bag and exits the room.

"Wow, first time I'm seeing you finish so late and having this bothersome look on your face," Didi, a female friend, says. Didi has all-back braid hairstyle which is packed at the back like a bun, dark brown eyes, and smooth brown skin, having quite a slim physique. She is dressed in a casual grey V-neck bodycon dress having elbow length of sleeves and an overall knee length. Also a pair of medium heel black ankle boots having some neck accessories on her too.

"Huh? Guess the test was that tough then," Chiamaka responds.

"Yeah. That's what you'll say then the results are out and boom!!! You aced it," Didi replies.

Chiamaka laughs and shakes her head.

"I presume you're off to some fun place seeing as you're dressed ready for it," Chiamaka states.

"Haha. Can't a girl just dress to look good again? Anyway, yeah I have nothing left for the day so I'm off for some fun. I'm heading out with Osi and some others, care to join?" Didi replies with an offer, throwing her hands up while she expressed about having fun.

"Tempting," Chiamaka says but spots Tobi waiting for her at a corner.

"However, I'll have to decline today. Have some stuff to take care of," she adds.

Didi follows Chiamaka's eyes and catches a glimpse of Tobi.

"Oh I see. Seems like a new catch, interesting. I can see why you're busy. He's cute though," Didi says with a smile, raising her brows at Chiamaka in excitement.

Chiamaka laughs and says, "It's not what you think babe. Go have fun, catch you later. My regards to Osi and the rest."

Didi laughs back and responds, "It's never what we think until it is. Thought you'd end up with ID. I knew Tomiwa wasn't the one for you. He was sweet and all but after hearing of his sudden disappearance, just goes to show you how men are. Anyways tell ID, I said hi and that he's owing me."

"Sudden disappearance?" Chiamaka thinks to herself.

"Oh yeah that's what has been circulating around in the ordinary world. This also supernatural stuff is still a bit confusing," she says within herself.

"Sure thing. I'll tell him," Chiamaka replies. Didi exits the building and Chiamaka walks to meet up with Tobi.

"Following me about now, are you?" Chiamaka says, getting to Tobi.

"Now that would make me a stalker," Tobi replies. Both of them smile at each other.

"So what's up?" Chiamaka asks as they begin walking out of the building where the tests were held.

"Nothing much. Had a bit of work to clear up," Tobi answers.

"Work? Yeah forgot you're already done with school. What exactly do you do?" Chiamaka inquires.

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