Chapter 12

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Previously on Talents Activate...

Chiamaka, a lady who did not believe in the supernatural, has been opened into a new reality, a world of beings able to manipulate blades, wield flames, invade minds, and affect different forces. A mysterious man, Ezeogu, having the probability of being her father wants to take her for reasons best known to him but her friends resist. Oge is about to battle the Ife's crew meanwhile, Ifunanya is about to face off against Aisha and Tomisin...

Now, inside a phasic dome (see chapter two for phasic dome explanation)

Tade rushes in with a right hook to land a punch on Oge.

"Activate: Supernova fist!!! Ten percent should be enough," he says.

Swiftly, he appears at Oge's right and tries to land the hit but Oge easily dodges, parries his hand with hers, uses her left leg to sweep his feet off the ground and lands a heavy kick on his chest with her right leg which sends him crashing into the gate. Before Oge can fully turn to face the other teammates, she senses two bullets approaching her and quickly evades the bullets. She is about to move forward but Dominic smiles and says, "You're done for, hag!!! Activate!!!"

Immediately, the bullets give off a huge explosion like a grenade.


They all wait for the smoke and dust to clear but before it fully clears, they hear a clap.

"That was quite the try. You've got a good talent I must say," Oge says, standing on the fence of the building. She has her long duffle bag beside and unzips it.

"Now then, time to wrap this up," she says, smiling as she slowly draws out one of her swords from the bag.

"She managed to get out of the explosion unharmed. She's dangerous after all," Ese says.

Dominic quickly rushes out and releases two shots at Oge who cuts the air with a horizontal slash creating an air wave that divides the incoming bullets in two.

"That won't stop it. Activate!!!" Dominic yells and the bullets all explode at once.

Oge, without hesitation, has already moved more to her right to avoid the explosion and now heads straight to attack the rest of the team, diving down from the fence. Ese quickly moves, throwing a fist at her but Oge sharply responds by tossing her sword at Ese who blocks the attack with the thick metal band covering her hand from her wrist to her elbow. The sword bounces off the metal band and spins upwards. Oge swiftly does a front flip while in the air and kicks the sword at the tip of the handle, sending it back to pierce Ese from the top. Ese shifts back and dodges the hit. At once, Dominic fires at Oge with his two guns while she is still in the air. Oge sees the attack, takes a deep breath, smoothly but quickly, uses her leg to control the bullets and return them to Dominic who has already activated his advanced talent.

"Activate," he says but is shocked when he sees the bullets heading for him.

"What?!" he exclaims.


Oge lands as the dust settles but Ese rushes in with a series of fast punches which Oge easily dodges as she steps backwards. The two pause for a while and Ese unlocks the heavy bands on both her hands, removing them. Her speed suddenly improves as she appears instantly at Oge's front, continuing with her series of fast punches with its speed now thrice as fast as before however, Oge is still able to evade them.

"It's like she can easily read our attacks. That or she's faster than we can imagine," Tade says to himself, analyzing the situation.

"Huff, huff," Ese pants as she comes to a halt in her series of punches.

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