Chapter 11

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Previously on Talents Activate...

Chiamaka, a lady who did not believe in the supernatural, has been opened into a new reality, a world of beings able to manipulate blades, wield flames, invade minds, and affect different forces. A mysterious man, Ezeogu, having the probability of being her father wants to take her for reasons best known to him but her friends resist. After a battle to save her life, ID comes out victorious, saving Chiamaka from the swordsmith, Ife. Nelo arrives at ID's house and finally gets to meet Chiamaka. What fate awaits them all?


Chiamaka, Tobi, ID and Nelo are all seated together in the sitting room of the apartment. The television is on but is at the lowest volume and the atmosphere in the room is a bit tense.

"So that's the backstory, I see," Nelo says, referring to the explanation ID just gave her concerning how he met Chiamaka, her strange awakening to Phasic Energy on her birthday and the battle with Ife.

"Wow. Life comes at you fast, right? I can only imagine what you're feeling right now, however it is what it is. The reality is that, you're in this now, you get? But one thing surprised me a bit among others," she adds.

"Huh? What?" a sad Chiamaka inquires, looking at Nelo.

"The fact that you and ID didn't eventually go out, like date and all," Nelo says and laughs as do the others including Chiamaka. They soon fall back to their serious mode after a brief moment.

"Well, that eased up the tension a bit. Anyway, to formally introduce myself, I am Chinelo Eze Jennifer, you can call me Nelo. Also referred to as the Crest of the Igbo deity, Agwu Nsi because I possess the abilities of clairvoyance, precognition and retrocognition which sometimes occur like psychometry and I also display the insignia of a stickman at the back of my neck whenever my power is fully released. That being said, I'm also a lawyer, an artist and a sort of business consultant, just in case you have any clients for me," Nelo declares, stretching her hand to shake Chiamaka.

"Wow! So you can like see the future? Shouldn't you be like the strongest or so?" Chiamaka asks in amazement of Nelo's abilities, as they both shake hands.

"Well, I like to answer that as seeing 'a future'. Let me expound a bit, if, for example, I see the future and then I make an adjustment to alter what I've seen then what I saw, can it still be called 'the future'? You get? What I see are more like possibilities and more often than not, I see the most probable one to happen except an action is taken to change it. Seeing these possibilities is not a guarantee that you'll be the most powerful champion, in this world, there are other factors too," Nelo explains.

"Wow such an amazing ability. But if you can see ahead, can't you plan ahead and always end up winning?" Chiamaka asks.

"Not exactly. At the end if someone is more powerful than you, all possibilities you see may end up showing your defeat. Some situations are inescapable when entered into no matter how much you see, so it's best to avoid such. For example, a technique that can blow up an entire city, even if I see ahead, what can I possibly do against that? I'll still need some other ability, you get? Besides it's not like I can always control how, when or what I see except in some cases," Nelo answers.

"So it's not all that useful in the end," Chiamaka utters.

"Did I say so? Actually it's very useful. Asides from seeing, it also offers precognitive instinct which is one of the most troublesome abilities to deal with in close combat when used well. And like I said in some cases, I can control my pschometry ability. For example," Nelo says and tightens her grip on Chiamaka's hand.

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