Chapter 7

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Standing at a distance of about eight metres from each other, Ife and ID stare at each other for a while probably taking one last moment to enjoy the cool air of the night, sweeping across the empty field of the battle location.

"Here I come," Ife finally says, breaking the silence.

"Talent Activate: Blade Coliseum," she says.

Instantly, her necklace shatters into tiny metal pieces and floats high up, forming an array of different blades surrounding the entire area.

"Always an interesting sight to see, your talent activation," ID compliments, smiling as he tightens his fist.

"Come!!!" he calmly yells, taking his fighting stance.

Ife quickly rushes towards him. As she moves, two swords from the array of blades, move swiftly and appear at her right and left hand respectively. Ife grabs them, covers the distance between herself and ID, and swings the sword in her left hand to slash ID. 

ID evades by stepping more to his own left, however, Ife swings the sword in her right hand against him to cut him. ID uses his left leg to counter the attack and follows it with a spin, launching a kick at Ife's face with his right leg; Ife dodges by stepping back.

"Close call," Ife says to herself.

"Seems you've not forgotten your martial arts," she says to ID.

"Seems you're not taking this seriously yet," ID replies.

"Yet I'm the one who has activated her talent?" Ife sarcastically responds with a shrug.

"Fine then. I'll be coming at you with full force," she adds with an austere look on her face.

She then moves with a higher speed than before, appearing in seconds before ID and launching continuous slashes against him which he evades also. ID then tries to evade by randomly changing his positions, creating space between himself and Ife but swords begin raining down speedily at him. Now he has to dodge swords raining down and Ife's own attacks.

"This getting frustrating to deal with," he complains as Ife persistently follows him around, attacking him.

"Talent Activate!!!" he says, stopping his movements and waiting for Ife's attack.

Ife is close to him now and swings her sword at him while some swords from the array of blades rush at him from behind.

"Launch! Drive!!" he says and vanishes, leaving Ife to swing through the air as the swords from the array pierce into the ground.

"The impact high-speed movement," Ife says, looking behind her to see ID standing some distance opposite her.

"Hmm? You still remember," ID says as he brings out a golf ball from a small purse-like bag strapped to his belt.

The ball has a small hollow protrusion at top of it through which a thin thread-like material is connected to it and this thread-like material is connected to ID's right middle finger. ID makes the ball move like a yoyo with the thread-like material while talking to Ife.

"Huh? Is that the weapon you've chosen for today?" she mockingly comments.

"Let's see how much you'll be smiling after this," ID says and like a baseball, he tosses the ball with a powerful force at Ife.

"So what? A golf ball is heading towards me. I'll just cut it," she says within herself, standing confidently as she summons one of the swords that pierced into the ground to come and do the cutting of the ball for her.

Talents: ActivateWhere stories live. Discover now