vi. the search for dart

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THE LOUD, SHRILL ring of the school bell made Liz slam her Algebra book shut, and exit the classroom along with hundreds of other students. She headed straight to her locker, and started putting anything she didn't need for homework in her locker. A tap on her right shoulder made her turn in that direction only to hear a small giggle on the other side of her. Liz turned to her left and her pupils dilated slightly seeing the redheaded girl.

   "You coming with us to show Mr. Clarke, Dart?" Liz asks the redhead, who was grabbing her skateboard from her locker.

"Hell yeah." Max smiles. Liz chuckles and the two girls walk side-by-side towards Mr. Clarke's classroom where Dustin and Lucas are already entering.

Dustin places the machine he built onto Mr. Clarke's desk just as Max and Liz are entering. His eyes brighten as the two girls walk into the room and stand by Mr. Clarke's desk, "This is the reason I was late for class."

Mr. Clarke looks at the small machine and the smiles, "Pretty neat. These doors function?"

Dustin's face drops, "Well, yeah, obviously. But it's not about the trap. It's what's inside. Now, this very well may change your perception of the world."

Mr. Clarke smiles, "Consider my interest piqued."

Dustin smiles brightly which makes Liz smile at his proudness, "All right, first, let's just clarify that... this is my discovery, not yours."

"Dustin, Jesus! Just show him!" Lucas yells, growing frustrated at Dustin taking such a long time to show Mr. Clarke his new pet.

   "I'm just trying to clarify—"

   "Dustin!" Liz and Max say in unison, trying to get the boy to focus on the task at hand.

   "Okay, fine." Dustin states, smiling at the two girls.

   "Stop! I'm really sorry, Mister Clarke. It was just a stupid prank." Mike rushes his words as he opens the door and runs in. Liz furrows her brows in confusion at his behavior. He grabs the box which makes Dustin immediately ask what the hell's going on. "We need to go, right now. Right now!"

   At that, the gang follows Mike and Will as they run in a panic towards the AV room. Liz was extremely confused as to what was going on, but she knew it wasn't goo judging by Mike's panicked expression when he came into Mister Clarke's room. Mike opened the door to the AV room and let everyone in, before slamming the door on Max, and shouting, "Not you."

Feelings, Max Mayfield ¹ ✓Where stories live. Discover now