xiii. the mind flayer

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LIZ WATCHED THE arguments like a tennis match as she stood next to Steve. The group was talking and arguing about when they last saw Will and Mike, and where they could possibly be, hopefully anywhere but in the lab with the monsters.

"The power's back," Nancy announced, interrupting and stopping the conversation between the two groups.

Jonathan immediately sprinted over to the white control booth that sat on the left side of the road, a few feet away from the large gate. He started jabbing at the button that was meant to open the gate, but nothing happened. He continued hastily jabbing at the button, confused at why it wasn't opening if the power was on.

"Let me try," Dustin says, going into the small control box with Jonathan.

"Hang on—"

Dustin pushed him out of the way, "Let me try, Jonathan!"

Dustin proceeded to do the same thing that Jonathan had done but just like before, the gate didn't budge, not even an inch. Liz sighed in frustration at not knowing if her friends were okay and not even being able to get to the place to check if they were.

Dustin groaned from inside the control booth, "Son of a bitch! You know what—"

Dustin proceeded to punch the buttons as if that would make any difference. Liz rolled her eyes and walked over to the entrance of the control booth, "Dustin, that's not gonna help. In fact, it might make break it or make it worse somehow."

"Liz, I know what I'm—" He started before the gate started sliding open. Liz raised her eyebrows in surprise while a huge smile made its way onto Dustin's face, "Hey! I got it! Told you!"

Almost as soon as the gate was opened, bullets were heard echoing in the inside of the building was heard on the outside which made Liz get chills all along her body. Growls and screeches were heard from both animals and people, and Liz was praying that everyone was okay.

"Guys?" Max said, her attention focused on the opening where the gate was. The engine of a car was heard speeding towards them and the headlights lit up Max's face. Liz quickly pulled her out of the way before she was hit as everyone else went to the side of the road to avoid being roadkill.

As soon as a truck pulled up next to them, Liz saw the words on the side which read, Hawkins Police Department. She sighed in relief once she saw Hopper in the front seat, "Let's go!"

Feelings, Max Mayfield ¹ ✓Where stories live. Discover now