xxii. eye spy

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LIZ, WHO COULDN'T help but be the mom in her friend group, was very hesitant on the idea of choosing people to spy on by spinning a bottle. They had written down names of people they knew including parents and teachers and whoever the bottle landed on, El would use her abilities to find them and basically spy on them. Max and El were both hooked on the idea and wanted to do it while Liz was more on the edge and had repeated the phrase, "I don't know about this," about a million times.

"Come on, Liz," Max whines. She grips onto Liz's arm and shakes it. "We all have to agree."

"I just don't know," Liz sighs. She was sitting on her knees on El's bed with her hands in her lap. "I mean, isn't that a huge invasion of everyone's privacy?"

"They'll never know," Max explains to Liz. Liz parted her lips, sighing, still not sure. Max scooted over to Liz and sat beside her, grabbing her arm and resting her head on Liz's shoulder. "Please, Liz! We don't even have to do all of them. We'll only do one if you really want."

Liz looked down at Max who was staring up at her. Their blue eyes were locked onto each other and Max had the most adorable look on her face. Liz smiled at the girl, "You're lucky I love you."

Max sat up, a huge smile gracing her face. She then leaned over and placed a kiss upon Liz's cheek, "Thank you!"

Liz felt her cheeks heat up and butterflies fill her stomach at the feeling of Max's lips still tingling on her cheek. She watched as Max wrote down one last name onto a piece of paper and put it in the circle with the rest. The empty Coke bottle was in the center, ready to be spun, "Holy shit, I can't believe we're doing this! Ready?"

El nods, "Ready."

Max turns to Liz, waiting for her answer. Liz nods, "Ready."

El grabs the bottle and spins it. The two girls watch it spin for a few seconds before it stops. The head of the bottle pointed to Mr. Wheeler's name and all girls collectively read out, "Mr. Wheeler."

Liz frowned. She wasn't exactly excited about the whole idea of using El's powers to spy on people but if they were going to do it, they should do it on someone who's actually interesting. Max agreed with her, "Ugh. Boring."

El nods, "Yeah, boring."

"Spin again," Max giggles.

El puts her hand on the bottle but pauses and looks back at Max, "Against the rules?"

"We make our own rules," Max tells her, flashing her a smile.

Feelings, Max Mayfield ¹ ✓Where stories live. Discover now