Chapter Two: Recollection

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Larry has been sitting on the couch in angst waiting for Laurent's face to appear at the front door. He hasn't heard from him since this morning when Laurent became frustrated at Larry talking to Bree about him. He's called and sent Laurent multiple texts...even called the studio but Larry still hasn't heard from him. He's watched a variety of things on TV but in between he constantly looks at the time or he looks at his phone to see if he's possibly missed a reply to one of those text messages...but he sees nothing. In a desperate motion he runs one hand through his hair as he whispers, "please come home soon" hoping that the soft plea will reach Laurent telepathically. Needing something to settle his nerves he stands up and begins walking to the kitchen for a bottled water but suddenly his cell phone rings causing him to swiftly spin around with wide eyes and a racing heart to run over and answer it. Upon looking at the screen disappointment sets in because it isn't Laurent...but seeing who it is instead he answers. He clears his throat as he presses the button then brings the phone to his ear...

~phone conversation~

Larry: "Hey". 

Bree: "Hey. Everything ok"?

Larry: "No". *sigh* "Laurent is still out and I don't know where he is". 

Bree: "When was the last time you talked to him"?

Larry: "This morning. We talked for last night and he was upset that I talked to you and not him". 

Bree: "I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to cause trouble. I just thought it was hard for you to talk to him so I figured I would try".  

Larry: "I know but don't worry for that. I will try and talk to him again when he's here". 

Bree: "Do you need anything"?

Larry: "Thank you but no". 

Bree: "Ok. Well I'll talk to you tomorrow"?

Larry: "Yeah". 

Bree: "Ok". *pause* "And Larry"?

Larry: "Yes"?

Bree: "Everything will be ok". 

*brief pause*

Larry: "Thank you". 

Bree: *smile* "You're welcome. Talk to you soon". 

Larry: "Oki bye". 

Larry slowly drops the phone from his ear to end the call and after a deep sigh he heads for the kitchen to grab that water. He takes a seat at the kitchen table and as he twists the cap off of the cold beverage he goes back to thinking about what could have possibly happened to Laurent to have him on such a downward spiral. He can't lie to himself and say that Laurent was happy before. It's just that the odd behavior has drastically increased. It's to a point where it's having a strong effect on their brotherhood and it's disappointing to know that the most important relationship in Larry's life is slowly and painfully dissipating. From the time they've been able to walk they always played together and had a bond that was impossible to break and Larry was sure that their bond could only get stronger...but now it seems as though Laurent is a complete stranger and they're drifting apart. Something is going on with him...almost as if something is haunting Laurent and it's taking over his ability to live the best quality of life he can. Now Larry is finding himself thinking far back in the attempt to to pinpoint exactly when there was a shift...when he first realized that Laurent just isn't the same. As he sits in silence he's nearly racking his brain when suddenly he remembers that around the age of ten Laurent did appear withdrawn and not as happy as he was around the age of eight. They still played together but Laurent didn't seem to smile as much and at times he seemed very distant. Mama noticed it too but whenever either of them would ask him what's wrong Laurent would always say he was fine. Larry is also vividly recalling something that happened regularly and until this very day he never understood why...

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