Chapter Fourteen: Wavering

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This morning Larry awakens first...the first thought on his mind being what happened only a few short hours ago. Laurent being plagued by another nightmare with no doubt in Larry's mind it was brought on by Charles. As Larry consoled him they spent most of the time merely gazing into each other's eyes with no words other than Larry sweetly reminding him that he was there. The words that went unspoken were how they felt as they looked at each other. For Larry, it hurt him to his soul to see such a vulnerability in Laurent's eyes...but even in the midst of that he also noticed a beauty and richness. Twenty-nine years together and it's as if he's seeing them in a completely different way. The inside of him begins to feel differently as well. Actually, it's been feeling this way for some time. Now he's thinking about that night by the Seine Bridge when Laurent scooped him into his arms to prevent what could have been a dangerous and painful fall. The strength of his arms, the base in his voice and the smile on his face as he told him why he was holding him. The remembrance of it all prompts Larry to look over at a beautifully sleeping Laurent. He notices a stray twist drooped over his eye and he sweetly chuckles then removes it ever so gently as to not awaken him. Laurent's relaxed face looks beyond angelic. Larry can't even describe it and everything he's been feeling is magnified. He then decides that he wants to make breakfast for him again so he can continue sleeping peacefully for now. He quietly flips the cover off of him then stands up and stretches all without making one sound that would disturb him. As he's walking towards the bathroom to freshen up he hears a groggy but beautiful voice whimper, "Larry". He turns around and smiles as Laurent's eyes flutter whilst looking at him...

Larry: *smile* "Good morning". 

Laurent: *smile* "Good morning". *pause* "Where are you going"?

Larry: "I wanted to make breakfast for you again". 

Laurent: "Thank you for that but...can I help you this time"?

Larry: *smile* "Of course". 

Laurent nods and as he gets out of bed he adorably yawns then follows Larry to the bathroom where there's a double sink so each of them can freshen up. During this time they look at each other through the mirror and smile as they brush their teeth. The image of Laurent's fragile state from last night has weighed heavily on Larry so he's happy to now see him in better spirits. Now finished they dab their mouths with clean towels then exit the bathroom eager to get started on breakfast as their tummies are growling now...but of course they have to check on mama first. They gently knock on the door but there's no answer which means she's still asleep. They take a quiet peek inside to catch a glimpse, smile then Laurent gently shuts the door back and they head for the kitchen...

Laurent: "So what are we making"?

Larry: *smile* "Whatever you want".

Laurent: *smile* "Oki. Well I want blueberry crepes, eggs, bacon, sausage, hash browns, toast and fruit". 

Larry can't help but belt out a hearty laugh. Laurent laughs as well but also places his pointer finger over his mouth as he smiles while signaling "shhh" so their laughing doesn't wake mama up...

Larry: *smile* "I'm sorry but you're so greedy". 

Laurent: *smile* "I know...but I also love your cooking so I want all of that". 

Larry: *chuckles* "Oh so I'm making all of this by myself". 

Laurent: "Not all of it. I'll make the toast". 

Larry laughs again only this time he keeps in mind the volume. Then he playfully replies...

Larry: *smile* "I can't believe you". 

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