Chapter Nineteen: Simple Pleasures

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It's been a few days since Laurent made peace with Charles and walked away ready to begin living life without constant pain from the past. He didn't know how possible that would be for him given the circumstances surrounding his death. He certainly wasn't expecting a letter from him nor did he expect it to be the healing he needed, and it couldn't have come at a better time. He vividly remembers his conversation with Charles before the painful vision and his words then being vastly different from the letter. Perhaps Charles would have said those things in person had Laurent been able to stay that day but the mere fact that those words were expressed was enough. In these last few days Laurent's outlook on life has been amazing...and it's been amazing for Larry to see. Laurent isn't aware of this but when he's walking around the house Larry discreetly watches him and seeing the pain that was once so visible and heartbreaking has turned into a light that hasn't shined in years making Larry so happy for Laurent. Before they went to sleep that night Laurent expressed curiosity of how the letter was mailed seeing that it came days after Charles passed but receiving it and being able to do the one thing that just a short while ago he didn't think he would be able to is what matters the most. Forgiveness. He never realized how freeing it was until he actually did it. He walked away from that grave site feeling more optimistic about his future than he ever has and since that day it's been beautifully obvious. Larry can't get enough of it and their relationship is still blooming like a spring flower. They're laughing often, spending time together and in between sharing the most romantic kisses. With each kiss they wonder when it's going to lead to more...but it isn't something they're rushing to do either. Larry never wants to rush him. He would be lying if he said he doesn't think about it or that he's not ready for it but there is no possible way to explain how wonderful these last couple of days have been just enjoying each other so whenever it happens it will just...happen. What's special about today is Laurent has another therapy appointment and when they were in each other's arms the previous night Laurent sweetly asked Larry if his offer to come with him is still good. Larry quickly assured him that it is and soon they will be leaving to make sure they're on time. They slept in a little later than normal so Larry is making brunch while also waiting for Laurent to finish getting dressed. Brunch consists of breakfast grilled cheese sandwiches with eggs, crumbled sausage, hash browns and freshly chopped green onions along with a fresh fruit medley consisting of all of Laurent's favorites. He has the sandwiches built and to give them an extra "bite" he places them in the sandwich press to get those perfect grill marks. As he waits to flip them on the other side he gets the feeling that he isn't alone anymore so he begins to smile as he turns around. There's Laurent standing at the opening of the kitchen looking nothing short of a snack. Some of his twists are pulled up and away from his face while the rest of them are hanging loosely in the back. It's very difficult for Larry not to become mesmerized at the sight but he does his best to compose himself...

Larry: *smile* "Hey". 

Laurent: *smile* "Hey". *pause* "It smells good. What are you making"?

Larry: "Thank you. I made some sandwiches that will put us to sleep so it probably wasn't a good idea to make them". *laugh* 

Laurent: *smile* "I think we will be fine. It smells really good". 

Larry had to turn around to flip the sandwiches to the other side but he definitely hears his love and of course he hasn't stopped smiling...

Larry: "Thank you. I think you will like it".

Laurent has already started walking towards him and when he's right next to him he replies in a low, gentle voice...

Laurent: "I love everything you make". 

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