Chapter Three: A Family's Love

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Larry can't believe what he just heard on the other end of his phone. Laurent has without question exhibited odd and deeply concerning behavior as of late...but to be on the receiving end of this news and being told that he has to come and pick Laurent up from jail he can't even say anything right away. What Laurent could have possibly done to be there is a mystery but it's also what he's afraid of. Although Laurent hasn't confessed Larry is sure he's been drinking so this could very well be a drunk driving arrest and the strong possibility of it makes him reluctant to ask in fear of what he will be told. Larry still has yet to say anything and it takes Laurent calling his name to snap him out of his trance...

Laurent: "Larry"?

Larry: "Yeah I'm here. Why are you at the police station Laurent"?

Laurent: "Look I'll explain all that later. Can you please come and get me"? 

Larry: *sigh* "Fine. I'm leaving right now". 

Laurent: "Thank you". 

Larry can't even reply to that. He just releases the call to put his shoes are on and with his keys in tow he heads for the front door. He's still worried about Laurent of course but in this moment he's also more angry than anything partly because he thought he and Laurent were closer than this and that Laurent knew he can talk to him about whatever is bothering but it's been the exact opposite. Somehow the twins who've been joined at the hip all their lives became distant. Well, not by Larry's choice. Larry has never tried more to be closer to him than he has recently and he's practically begged Laurent to talk to him so he can help with what's so clearly hurting him and is the reason for his downward spiral. He backs out of the driveway and begins driving the path to the police station when he comes to the conclusion that if Laurent still doesn't talk about what's going on he fears it will take desperate measures to get to the bottom of this and ultimately crack this hard core outer shell on him that he's yet to be successful in breaking through... 

He arrives at the station parking quickly and running towards the entrance at a light jog. Upon entering he sees an officer at the desk and walks up to him...

Larry: "Excuse me". 

Officer: "How can I help you"?

Larry: "I'm here for my twin Laurent Bourgeois. How much do I have to pay to get him out"?

The officer looks down at his paperwork to lift one page up and scan the list until he finds his name...

Officer: "Laurent Bourgeois. You don't have to pay anything". 

Larry: *looks confused* "Are you sure"?

Officer: "I'm sure. I'll take you to him". 

Larry thanks him and the officer steps from behind the counter politely instructing Larry to follow him. On the way he explains the reason Laurent was brought there... 

Officer: "An officer was in the area when he heard some commotion so he came to investigate. Mr. Bourgeois had a guy pinned against a wall and slamming him against it. The officer called for him so he stopped and that's when he was placed under arrest".

Larry can feel his anger filling each step as he listens. It was already disappointing knowing that he was coming to pick Laurent up from this place...but actually being here and now knowing the reason which could have easily been avoided only makes him angrier. They approach a hallway and they pass several rooms all with the door closed peaking Larry's curiosity as to which room is holding Laurent. The officer stops at the last door on the left and on the outside of that door is a large window so Larry looks through it. The instant he sees Laurent his face goes from angry to saddened because there he is sitting at a table...his head down and his shoulders slightly hunched over as if he's a child that's just been scolded and who's now afraid. Larry takes his eyes off of him temporarily to look at the officer...

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