Chapter Eight: Unveiling

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A/N: Warning: This chapter is strong in imagery and may be extremely emotional so please proceed with caution.  


It's the day of Laurent's formal therapy session and sharing what happened to him all those years ago after he's just got to the point of coming to terms with it himself will be extremely difficult. He hasn't even told his family so to tell her before them just gives him even more pause to go through with it. Of course he realizes that if he resists that can possibly prolong his stay. Sure he should just be able to get up and leave as he's an adult but in the end, that won't help him deal and he's afraid he'll just regress back into the same behavior in his attempts to cope when in reality nothing he did helped at all so maybe therapy is just what he needs. He's been doing well with eating when meals are brought to him and Dr. Marquet is pleased to see his progress in that area. He hasn't had any breakdowns that required workers from the staff to control him or the administration of those strong sedatives. Although he has had a couple of teary nights and the reason for them has varied. Either they're because he's thought about the drastic turn his life took in just a matter of days, or he's thinking about the pain that comes with being away from Larry and mama. Often times, it's been both. He hasn't seen them or heard from him since that day he didn't speak but he realizes that they would never stay away on their own. The doctor must be keeping them away and while he's sure it's all for a reason it still hurts him so. Naturally Larry and mama check on him as often as they can so they know everything going on, even his therapy appointment today and while they're sure it may be a little unsettling that for him a part of them is also relieved that it's finally happening. As Laurent stands at the window in his room looking out into the morning sun he's feeling anxious but he's taken some relaxing breaths to help. The aesthetic from the scenery before him helps too. Now he's hearing a knock on the door so he turns his head and calls out, "come in". Dr. Marquet walks in and they look at each other...

Marquet: "How are you feeling"?

Laurent: "I feel oki". 

Marquet: *smile* "Good". *pause* "Well it's time for your session Mr. Bourgeois and I'm required to make sure you get there so I'm walking with you". 

Laurent: "That's fine". *deep breath* "I'm ready". 

Clothed in a pair of sweats, a T-shirt and sneakers Laurent walks towards the door and they make their way to the elevator. It's quiet between them and Dr. Marquet acknowledges that Laurent's nerves are the reason so he won't bombard him with questions or anything of the sort. It isn't until they get to her office that more words are exchanged between them...

Marquet: "I'll be back in one hour. You should be done by then". 

Laurent nods so Dr. Marquet knocks on the door and seconds later they're being greeted by Dr. Dupuis..

Dupuis: *smile* "Dr. Marquet. Mr. Bourgeois". 

Marquet: *smile* "Hi". 

They both look at Laurent who has his head down so Dr. Dupuis looks at her colleague...

Dupuis: "I'll take it from here doctor". 

Marquet: "Thank you". 

Dupuis: "You're very welcome". 

When Dr. Marquet is at a distance away from them she speaks in her softest voice...

Dupuis: "Mr. Bourgeois? It's ok to come inside my office now". 

Laurent can only look at her from the top of his eyes as his head is still low. He then nods so she steps aside to allow him to walk inside. He raises his head long enough to see where he can have a seat. He immediately sees the couch so he walks over to sit...but his head goes right back down...

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