Chapter Eleven: Despondent

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After Larry suggested that they take a walk along the Seine Bridge, Larry and Laurent spent a few moments in silence. Larry is still thinking about what Laurent did during that time and he can't say it completely shocks him that Laurent was protecting him. He and Laurent have always been close, super close, but Larry can honestly say that in just a matter of seconds he feels closer than he ever has to him. Laurent's eyes are still deadlocked on Larry and when Larry catches a glimpse he smiles. There's also something on the inside of him that's feeling light as a feather and it's in these moments that Larry doesn't even know what to say but he for sure smiles back at him. As he looks into Laurent's eyes he's also noticing that they're not as sad as they once were. They're not as angry as they once were and he sees life in a completely new perspective. For a second Larry has flashbacks to Laurent's behavior prior to the hospital and it saddens his heart...but all it takes is one more look at the renewed Laurent and his world is all the more brighter. He then turns to look out of the bedroom window and notices that the sun is just beginning to set so now is the perfect time to take that walk... 

Larry: *smile* "So, um. We should probably get going". 

Laurent: *smile* "Oki. Let's go".

Larry nods as he continues smiling then stands up and leads the way out of the bedroom. Mama is comfortable on the couch and when she feels their presence she looks up to smile beautifully...

Mama: "So where are you two off to"?

Larry: "We're going to take a walk along the bridge. Maybe do something else". 

Laurent: "We promise we won't be out too late mama". 

Mama: "Take your time my loves. I want you to spend this time together. You need that". 

Laurent: *smile* "Yes ma'am". 

They each walk over to give her a kiss then it's out the door they go. There's a short drive required to get the bridge and during this time it's mostly silence but they also get quick looks at the other...relieved and elated that they're together again. By the time they reach the bridge the sun has fully set and the beautiful glow of all the lights surrounding it are a magnificent sight to see. As they begin walking they have yet to say anything to each other but when Larry takes a look over at Laurent he notices his hands shoved in his front pockets and is looking down as they walk up a slight hill. Larry wonders if there's something on his mind so when they approach a place that allows them to look over and into the water Larry walks over to it. When Laurent notices...

Laurent: *smile* "Why did you stop"?

Larry: *smile* "Well, this is a good place to talk and I want to know if something is on your mind because you're quiet". 

Laurent: *smile* "Nothing is on my mind, but thank you". 

Larry: *smile* "Welcome". 

Laurent: "So, should we keep going"?

Larry lightly chuckles as he smiles then pushes himself off the banister to continue walking side by side with him. In between, their talking picks up as they notice certain things in the atmosphere. Larry's head is turned to the left and he's smiling beautifully at the things that surrounds them whether it's couples enjoying time together or even stray animals coming out from here and there. What he doesn't see ahead of him is a hole that if his foot gets caught in it, it could possibly hurt him, perhaps twist his ankle. Thankfully, Laurent catches it just in time so he delicately grabs Larry's arm but quickly pulls him close causing Larry to respond in a confused manner...

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