Chapter Six: Figment

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Inside the quiet, monotone room lies Laurent on that thick, padded floor. It wasn't too long ago that this room transformed into the bedroom from his childhood and it's one thing having to deal with the memories of what he endured all this time but for moments longer than he cared to he was reliving it. His tears became so intense that he nearly gave himself a panic attack but eventually those hard tears turned into soft sniffs as he cried so much there just wasn't anything left inside of him. Then his mind transitioned to the thought of where he is and hearing the voices of the clinicians telling him about the antecedents that put him under their care. It's been a struggle trying to recall exactly what happened beforehand and why he doesn't remember cutting himself. Actually, he doesn't remember much of anything. Not even the fact that only hours ago he lost his job in the world of music that truly has been a saving grace because if it wasn't for music he isn't sure where he would be now. Perhaps far worse than this hospital and whatever this sedative is they gave him, it's a powerful one. How he wishes it would have stopped the horrible vision that happened a few inches away from him. He didn't have to look at it in order to remember the emotional pain that always brought...but most of all the physical. There were times he really didn't know which pain was worse and even with his head turned away from the scene everything he felt in those moments came right back and his body only got weaker. He gave up the fight of wanting to be let out of this room, out of the straight jacket and just told himself to not look over there because it would go away. Little did he know something much deeper and something far more frightening will happen. The moonlight is glowing through the window and with his eyes fixated on that glow that's hitting the wall the time came where the exhaustion from his body caused his heavy eyes to close and fall in a deep sleep... 

~hours later~

"Laureeeent". *pause* "Laureeeent".

Laurent hears a dark voice calling his name in an evil sing song way before his eyes have the opportunity to open and the second they are those eyes immediately twist into confusion...but also awareness because this voice is also very familiar. He pushes himself up then turns around only to be faced with the monster that he lived with and who hurt him deeper than any slice against his wrist ever could. Charles. The room has transformed again and there he is sitting in a chair staring at Laurent with those same menacing eyes he will always remember. Charles was always a pro at changing himself in every situation. He would go from this happy, family man around others to, this, without even thinking about it. As Laurent looks at him now he still wonders how it was so easy to do that. Then again, monsters like him know exactly how to do it. It's like a light switch they flick on and off whenever it's necessary. Laurent takes his gaze off of him to look around and see his ten year old self is in the room again. When he discovers that it's just the two of them in the present he looks back at Charles with fear in his eyes wondering what's about to happen. The first five seconds they're looking at each other nothing is said. Of course there's so much Laurent could say but he's nearly paralyzed seeing this despicable person that words just don't seem to come out. He then realizes that he can't allow this opportunity to pass so he gulps hard then opens his mouth to finally speak with a voice already extremely it should be... 

Laurent: "What the hell are you doing here"?

Charles: "Relax Laurent. I just wanted to see how you're doing". 

Laurent: "You don't care how I'm doing". *pause* "You never cared for me". 

Charles: "That's not true Laurent. We were best buddies". *pause* "Father and son so I cared a lot about you". 

By this point the anger in his face has turned into angry tears rolling down his cheeks...

Laurent: "Yeah". *sniff* "You care so much for me that you hurt me to satisfy your sick needs". 

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