Chapter Thirteen: Solace

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The light dripping of a faucet and the light tapping sound each drop makes against the surface underneath is the only sound heard throughout the home of Charles. Moments ago is when he divulged the reason he's been so adamant to speak with them. He has prostate cancer and what would normally be sympathy is a bundle of different emotions but a certainty that sympathy is at the very bottom of the list...if there's any at all. Charles stated that having cancer isn't the reason he's sorry...but Larry isn't convinced. He strongly believes that this is merely an attempt to make all the necessary apologies and essentially make things right before he leaves this earth so he's having a difficult time believing that Charles is truly sorry. If he was, he wouldn't have waited so long to reach out to them. He would have made this attempt before his first diagnosis and it's for that reason that Larry's face has morphed back into anger. He's in enough control that he won't attack him...but what's been spoken hasn't made him feel any differently. Not only has Laurent been living a nightmare for the longest but knowing where he and mama were coming today was hard for him and prevented him from getting sleep the previous night. As he thinks about Laurent now he can only imagine how he feels knowing they're inside his house...the fact that they're sitting directly across from him and wondering what Charles has told them. He knows that a large part of him will want to know and like with anything else that's been difficult with this, Larry isn't sure how to tell him. Mama always has a delicate way with breaking news so it's better coming from her. Until then, they wait to hear who's going to break this awkward silence. Turns out that will be Charles...

Charles: "I really appreciate you coming here to talk to me". *pause* "Larry, I heard what you said and I understand why you think my being sick is the reason but I assure you, it isn't. I need you to believe that".

Larry: "I can't believe that Charles and I won't try. Sick or not, Laurent deserves that apology. He deserves so much more. Every day has been so hard for him and it's all because of you...but you already know that". 

Charles: "I imagine it has and that's why I want to talk to him. I want to apologize and tell him it wasn't his fault". 

Charles saying that evoked something in Larry and he immediately stands to his feet prompting fear in Charles as evident by his wide eyes and the way his mouth hangs open as he looks up at him...

Larry: "Of course it wasn't his fault! We know that"!

Mama immediately stands to her feet and now right next to her son she gently places her hand on his shoulder...

Mama: "It's oki son. Just calm down and have a seat", she whispers. 

As always, Larry does as mama requests and as he's sitting down he blows out a frustrated sigh then resumes his angered look at Charles. He's so upset he has to leave the remainder of the conversation to mama...

Mama: "Look Charles, we really appreciate you wanting to apologize to Laurent but I have to be honest. I don't think he wants to see you. My son is right and I don't think you understand how hard of a life he's had". 

Charles: "I don't know and as I said, I can only imagine how hard it's been, but I do know that I'm responsible for that. Since he didn't come, I'm hoping you would talk to him for me. I know you don't care to do anything for me and I'm pressing it just asking you, I realize that, but I really am sorry and I would love the chance to speak to him. I'll go at his pace. If he needs some time to think about it, or if he decides that he doesn't want to talk at all, I will understand". 

Mama doesn't respond right away because she cautiously looks over at Larry...nervous about how he's going to react to what her response is. She turns back to Charles and takes in a gentle breath...

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