Chapter Seven: Subdue

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Still embraced outside of the door Larry and mama haven't been able to pull themselves away to leave. When they finally release each other Larry wipes mama's tears away while she tenderly wipes some of his away. They desperately want another five minutes with Laurent...ten minutes if they could have it and while they do wonder what happened to cause his emotional breakdown and send him to such a state Laurent doesn't have to utter a word. They just want to stay connected to him...physically and emotionally. Mama's head goes down and Larry watches her as he feels the same emotions she does for there couldn't have been a more devastating image. Laurent was completely detached and when mama held his hand it never moved to hold hers back. Then he sees the silhouette of Laurent's doctor coming towards them so he looks up. Mama feels his movement and looks up then instantly turns around to see where his eyes are. The doctor is closer now and unbeknownst to them he had been watching their interaction from the moment they stepped out of the room. He's grown accustomed to seeing the families of his patients in states such as these and each time they always get to him. He has several sheets of Kleenex in his hands and when he's standing in front of them he kindly hands them over...

Mama: *sniff* "Thank you doctor". 

Marquet: "You're welcome".

Larry thanks him too and after dabbing their eyes a few times Larry asks the question that he's certain is on mama's mind as well...

Larry: "So what happens from here"?

Marquet: "Ideally therapy, but how soon it begins will depend on how stabilized his mood is over the next few days. We have to monitor how often he's having episodes even down to his eating habits. Once we feel his temperament is stable enough we will move to the first therapy session". 

Mama: "But there's no way to know how long it will be before therapy happens".

Marquet: "Unfortunately not". 

Mama closes her eyes as she blows out a deep sigh then drops her head. Larry places his hand on her back to soothe her... 

Larry: "How soon can we come back"?

Marquet: "I say give it a few days, possibly more. I know it may feel like forever because you're concerned but we'll make sure he's eating and of course I will keep in touch with his progress".

Larry: "So we will know when he can go to therapy"?

Marquet: "Absolutely because again, that means his condition has stabilized so the chances of therapy being effective is much higher".  

Larry: *nods* "Oki. That would be great news". *turns to mama* "Mama, do you have any questions for him"?

Mama: "No son". 

Larry: "Oki". *sigh* "Well we're leaving now doctor". 

Marquet: "Yes sir and if anything changes I'll call". 

Larry: "We appreciate that". 

Larry shakes his hand then looks at mama to gently nudge her as he softly speaks...

Larry: "Let's go home mama". 

Mama sadly nods as she follows him out of the hospital with Dr. Marquet watching them solemnly until they disappear out of the double doors. He gazes at the door to Laurent's room when he hears an aide come up to him...

Aide: "Doctor? Is there anything you need"?

Marquet: "Yes Angela. Can you please bring Mr. Bourgeois a meal and stay to see if he eats".

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