Chapter Twenty: By His Side

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Days have passed since Larry and Laurent shared the kiss that almost lead to their first moment in the ultimate expression of love. An expression where their bodies unite with what is for sure to be the single most pleasure filled and spiritual experience for both. Laurent was hovered over his love and planting deep kisses with the softness of Larry's lips sending waves of pure pleasure through his body. It was why he felt so compelled in the moment to gently undress him and hopefully give him the euphoric pleasure he's always wanted to. Larry looked up and into his beautiful, warm eyes that were speaking to him as if to say that he was feeling the same way in that he wanted Laurent to give him the greatest pleasure he's ever known with Laurent being more than ready to oblige him...only he couldn't. There will never be a feeling Laurent wants to experience more than being inside the man of his dreams while listening to the sounds that would erupt from him along with the touch of his skin, the intoxicating smell of his body filling his senses and looking down into those eyes as he whispers, "I love you". How he yearns for it all...but there's a reason he stopped such a passionate moment. That reason being why he's sitting in the lobby of a particular office and he's never been more nervous. His leg have bounced relentlessly and in an attempt to calm down he's tried various things such as reading the magazines from the coffee table in front of him then taking deep breaths as he closes his eyes yet nothing seems to work and the longer it takes for his name to be called the higher his nerves escalate. The setting is indeed different...but also a familiar one. The minute he walked in he noticed the monotone color of white and for the first several minutes after taking his seat it was primarily what he focused on. His nerves on the inside because of his purpose being here today is without question plaguing him...but the color of white will always be viewed in a much different way since spending time in what felt like solitary confinement in the mental health hospital. The hospital where he was plagued and tormented by the demons of his past including seeing Charles in the padded room and ultimately having a breakdown. In this office there are a few specks of color such as the greenery from the plant in the corner and the abundance of pastel colors in the floral arrangement that sits in the middle of the coffee table. But, mostly it's all white and while it was important for him to come here today he's still very anxious for it to be over with. Then his mind shifts and he begins wondering what Larry is doing right now. Just the thought of his sweet angel settles his intense nerves. Larry has been so patient with him and Laurent only loves him more for it. He knows Larry wanted their first time just as much as he did but he hasn't shown any anger nor has he questioned him as to what's going on and their relationship hasn't missed a beat. Their days are constantly filled with laughter and Laurent accompanying Larry to his dance studio to watch him teach. Even his students have noticed an amazing glow on Larry's face and his dancing seems to be better than ever. Mama is doing well too. Of course she checks on her boys as often as they do her. They've also had dinner with her at her home and it was an enjoyable time as always. In thinking about the past few days silence has appeared to have fallen and the time has paused. The rustle and bustle of the busy receptionist has also gone mute from the moment as Laurent thinks more about the love of his life. The man who will always have the ability to make even his darkest days feel bright. Now, the noise is being taken off mute as he hears a voice calling out, "Laurent Bourgeois". Laurent meets her eyes and gulps because this isn't his amazing therapist that he's meeting with today, though he has an appointment with her soon. This is a completely different person and as he looks at her scrubs with the serious look on her face as this is completely routine for her he cautiously stands up and takes small, quiet steps over to her. It isn't until he's much closer that she gives him a smile, albeit a small smile, to which he returns a small smile as well due to his extreme nerves. She politely instructs him to follow her and as he does he observes everything around him. It will be a standard doctor's appointment as in weight checks and such. Then they finally get inside the exam room where he takes a seat and answers additional questions she has. Eventually he's told that the doctor will be in soon so he thanks her and now he's waiting on the exam table in complete silence. That is, until his phone rings. He takes it out of his pocket and normally he would smile widely when he sees his love flashing across the screen...but considering where he is he instantly becomes nervous because Larry may ask where he is and, well, Larry knows nothing about this appointment today. He always knows about his therapy appointments whether Larry will be with him or not but the reason for this particular appointment he hasn't told him about. Not that he can't, he's just been too nervous to because there's a part of his life that occurred during the darkest part of his life that Larry is currently unaware of. He just takes in a deep breath then blows it out before answering softly...

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