Chapter Ten: The Unexpected

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Beautiful silence has fallen between Larry and Laurent as Larry soaks in the unexpected yet pleasant voice. He isn't sure about the particular reason for this is call...but just the fact that it's happening is more than enough. There's a gentle clear to this throat before he speaks...

Larry: *smile* "I didn't expect to hear your voice". *pause* "How are you"?

Laurent: *smile* "Not great but...I'll be oki". 

Larry: "Anything I can do"?

*brief pause*

Laurent: "You do a lot", he replies softly. 

Larry: "I'm always here for you". 

Laurent: *smile* "I know". *pause* "Are you oki"?

Larry: "I wish you were here but other than that I'm oki". 

Laurent: "I want to be there...but I called because I have a bad feeling". 

Larry: "Like what"?

Laurent: "Like you're hurt". 

Larry clears his throat again then looks down at his bandaged hand. He normally doesn't keep anything from Laurent but he can't tell him this...not now...

Larry: "I'm oki". 

Laurent: "Are you sure"?

Larry doesn't answer right away because now he's realizing why he felt something stop him as he applied blows to the creep who was supposed to be a father. It was Laurent sending his vibe to stop him. If it wasn't for that, it could have been far worse. While it soothes his soul to know that he and Laurent connect in such a way, he still can't bring himself to tell him what happened but he makes an internal promise that he will when the time is right...

Larry: "Yeah I'm sure". *pause* "How did you get to call us"?

Laurent: "I asked my doctor". 

Larry: "How long do you have"?

Laurent: "Fifteen minutes". 

Larry: "Oki. I'll let you talk to mama". 

Laurent: "Wait". 

Larry hears the sense of urgency in Laurent's voice...but there was also something else in the way he said it. He isn't sure what but it hooks him back in...

Larry: "Yes"?

*brief pause*

Laurent: "I...I forgot what I was about to say", he replies softly.

Larry: *smile* "That's fine. We'll talk again after you talk to mama". 

Laurent: *smile* "Oki", he whispers. 

Laurent can hear the phone being placed down and as he waits to hear mama's voice he's trying to figure out why he suddenly was at a loss for words and couldn't remember what he was going to say to Larry. Maybe it was just hearing Larry's voice then being reminded of how supportive and loving he is that made him speechless. Whatever the case, he's never been more thankful to have him by his side...

Mama: *smile* "Hey son", she greets sweetly.

Laurent: *smile* "Hey mama". 

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