Chapter 1

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Back in Hasetsu, I lay on my bed, replaying the night that made my entire world stop and return home with a heavy heart.

I was on my way back to Victor's after I had finished my evening run. The run was quick so I finished earlier than I had expected. I pulled my keys out of my pocket and unlocked the door. As soon as I walked in, I heard it. I closed the door and stood there for a second to make sure I wasn't just hearing things.

But there it was again. A gasp.

I walked down the hall to the room where I found Yurio straddling Victor. Both of them were shirtless and out of breath. Two empty bottles of vodka sat on the dresser next to the bed. 

Shock and pain held me frozen in the doorway.

"Yuri! Wait please!" Shaking my head, I turned and ran for the front door. Yurio and Victor called out for me to stop as I bolted out of the apartment.

"Yuri..." Back in my room, I tore my gaze from the ceiling and looked over to see Phichit standing in the doorway. Pain filled tears spilled from my eyes as a sob caught in my throat. "Oh Yuri. C'mere."

He pulled me into a tight hug as he sat on the edge of my bed. "I'm sorry I couldn't have come earlier."

"It's fine. I'm just glad that you came." I wiped at my eyes and gave a small smile. Phichit smirked and reached for a bag that was oddly shaped sporting decorations that I only assumed had to be some kind of animal carrier.

He unzipped it then reached inside the bag before turning to face me. "Close your eyes and hold out your hands."

Raising an eyebrow, I did as he said and nearly yelped when I felt something warm and furry get placed in my hands. I opened my eyes and instantly felt a warm feeling in my chest. "Oh my gosh. Phichit, how did you manage to get him here?"

Laying in my hands was Phichit's hamster. The small creature turned to face me as he rubbed his paws over his face, earning a small chuckle from me. "I knew this would make you feel better. He's missed you since the last time I saw you."

I looked up at Phichit who had a huge grin on his face. He completely dodged the question but I didn't really care. As much as I loved dogs, I also loved the small mammals that Phichit had introduced to me while we were Detroit.

It was midday when Phichit had arrived and we spent the entire afternoon talking and playing with the hamster until my mother called for us to eat dinner. Only then did we realize how late it was and how dark it had gotten outside.

"How long are you planning to stay in Japan?" Phichit and I were finished eating our dinner and had retired to the small eating area in the hot springs.

"I was thinking about staying for a couple of weeks since I don't have to train as much. Seung is planning on meeting me here so we might be here for a while." A slight blush appeared on Phichit's cheeks when he mentioned Seung.

Chuckling, I shook my head, glad that my friend had a successful relationship. Although I was still hurting about what had happened in Russia, it made me feel good to see how happy my friend was when he was with Seung.

"Have you heard from him?" Phichit had a concerned look on his face and a flash of regret shone in his eyes.

"It's okay. Don't feel bad for asking. But, both Victor and Yurio had tried many times to contact me. There were so many texts from the both of them apologizing for what had happened. I didn't reply to them. It got annoying so that's why I changed my number."

The scandal hadn't reached headlines or any online news sources so I was grateful for that. The only statement I had put out was that things just weren't working out as well as they had when we first started dating. Surprisingly, that was enough to please the public and it was left at that. 

Phichit nodded then took the conversation to a different topic. "You think it would be a problem for me to stay here until Seung arrives? He said he was going to book a hotel but I thought I would stay with you until he arrived."

I shook my head as I nodded to my room. "It's not a problem. I was actually going to ask if you could help me move my things. I got a house so I'm not going to stay here anymore."

"Of course I'll help you! Also, that's so cool you have your own place now. Guess I'll visit more often then." He winked as he pulled me up from the floor and dragged me into my room where we began to pack my belongings.


.... Um....

Sorry not sorry???

Haha I'm back. Hope you guys aren't going to be too mad at me for this ship?? I decided that the shipping world needed a restart and I honestly think that the ship I chose to go with is an interesting yet bizarre pair. I honestly was just throwing this idea out there and I kinda like the ship. Anyways, the updating schedule is gonna be a little out of wack since I'm so busy. I'll try to be consistent with the uploads though. I hope you somehow enjoy this story????


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