Chapter 8

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I couldn't do much when we got back home. The entire ride back was hazy and cold even though the sun was shining brightly. I didn't even realize we were home until I heard the engine go quiet. Everyone tried their best to get me to talk but as soon as I got in the house, I went in my room and locked the door.

This was crazy. I didn't understand it at all. Victor didn't have to come all the way to Japan just to lie through his teeth. He also didn't have to go through the trouble of lying to the entire world including our friends about our engagement.

I really didn't know what to do about it at this point. I definitely wasn't going to exploit Victor but if this somehow got out, I don't think his or Yurio's careers would last long after.

A soft knock on the door drew my attention back from my thoughts.

"Hey, Yuri. You okay?" I was surprised at the familiarity of the voice. I was even more surprised when I opened the door to see Mari standing there.

Seeing her standing right in front of me made something twitch in my chest and tears to gather in my eyes.

"God. I am such a cry baby lately." We both let out a soft laugh before she pulled me into a tight hug. I buried my face into her shoulder as I let the tears fall freely.

"Minami is here too. We heard that Victor was here so we figured you had to have run into him. Are you okay?" She didn't release me but instead hugged me tighter as she spoke.

"I did see him. I wish I didn't though so then I wouldn't have found out half the crap I did." My voice wavered but I didn't bother to hide my feelings. Mari appeared to not care much but, before Phichit, she was always the one to rescue me from myself.

She pulled back and gave me a questioning look. I hesitated, deciding on whether I should call Otabek to tell him now rather than later. Mari seemed to know what I was trying to decided and nodded, deciding for me.

"Hey, guys, I need to talk to all of you..." I walked out to the loft area and peered over the railing down to overlook the living room. Everyone gathered in the living room and looked up at me expectantly.

Mari took my hand in hers as I led the way downstairs. I sat on the small love seat with Mari by my side, still holding her hand. Taking a deep breath, I told them what happened in the alleyway and at the hospital.

The room was quiet when I finished speaking. Minami's face was flushed with anger and his eyes were on fire.

"Minami, what are you thinking?" He looked up from his shaking hands and met my eyes.

"What I was thinking is that Victor is a dead man to anyone who finds out. I don't think he realizes that you have fans too and that your fandom may just kill him if this ever gets out." His tone was serious but his expression was contorted with amusement which was ironic to the situation.

I couldn't help but laugh which I assumed was his goal since his smile was filled with relief. "Thanks for thinking so Minami. I just hope that fan isn't you."

My smile faded some as I stared at the floor. The thought that someone would do that was a little worrying. Even though I had my hate towards the situation, I wouldn't wish death on anyone. Not even Victor.

Mari seemed to noticed that I was beginning to over think things since I felt her squeeze my hand gently. I looked to see her eyes filled with worry and sadness. She was worried I would fall back into my depression. She wasn't the only one.

I pulled her into a hug and let myself be warmed by her compassion. I knew that this entire situation was going to bring a dark cloud over our good time but I didn't really worry. All I wanted right now was to be surrounded by people that I loved and that was already happening.

"You don't have to worry Mari. I'll be fine. I promise I won't put you through that again. It hurt me to see you and mom and dad like that. I can't stand to live with myself if that ever happened again." I meant every word I spoke.

"I love you Yuri. You're my only brother and life wouldn't be the same without you. It's weird now not having you at the hot springs. It would be hell not having you around at all. At least now I'm still able to see you." I knew she had more to say but her voice grew tight as she began to cry.

"I'm not going anywhere Mari. I love you too." There was along moment of silence while Mari calmed herself down.

Eventually, the others went into the kitchen and started preparing dinner while I stayed in the living room with Mari. She was reading a book aloud while I laid my head on her lap and listened to her soothing voice.

Sitting there with her like that reminded me of when I was younger. Whenever I was upset she would always pull me into the main dining room at the hot springs and read books to me until I calmed down. Remembering all the times she would protect me caused a lump to form in my throat.

I didn't realize how far apart we grew from each other while I was living in Russia and it made me mad that I let Victor ruin my relationship with my only sister.

I'm better than this though. I can't hold this against him because it'll only end up hurting me the most. The worst thing I could do was hold a grudge against Victor because that would mean he won. And I'm not going to surrender my happiness to him.

Minami and Mari decided to stay the night since it was pretty late when we finished eating. Even though it was a tough decision, me and Otabek decided to tell them what was going on between us even though nothing was official.

Of course, they were a little wary initially but once we explained in depth our plans they warmed up to the idea of it and actually began discussing who would win the pet battle between cats and dogs.

After watching a few movies, we all retired to our rooms and let go of the events that unraveled in the past twenty-four hours.

A Turn for the... Best? (A Turn for the Worse Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now