Chapter 6

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"What did I do to deserve this Victor?! I've been nothing but the perfect boyfriend to you and you have to do this to me. Why did you do this to me?!" Tears streamed down my face as a blank faced Victor looked down at me.

"Insignificant pig. You don't deserve to be by my side." Victor pulled out a gun and pulled the trigger. A loud pop rang through the air.

I bolted up right throwing the blanket of me and cried out as I gasped for air. Coughing and gasping for air, I began to cry. Otabek sat up and instantly pulled me into his arms.

"It's okay, Yuri. It was just a dream. You're okay. You're okay." He whispered into my hair as he held me tight against his chest.

"He shot me... I was killed and he shot me..." I croaked out between sobs. The image of Victor standing over me flashed through my mind causing me to cry harder.

"What happened? What's wrong with Yuri?" A light illuminated the room revealing Seung and Phichit. Phichit stepped forward and sat beside me as Otabek let go of me. I held onto Phichit who pulled me into his arms.

"Bad dream?" I nodded into Phichit's shoulder.

"Victor... I had a dream that he shot me... It was so vivid... I thought I was really dead." I barely managed to get the words out between sobs.

"It's okay, Yuri. I'll make sure nothing like that ever happens to you. I'm here for you, Yuri." Phichit's calm voice began to lull me back to sleep but I woke myself up.

"If you want to go back to sleep you can. I'm gonna be up for a while..." I could hear Phichit's breathing start to even out. He sat up and stretched a bit before looking over at Seung who was sitting against the wall dozing off.

"You gonna be okay?" I nodded and nudged him.

"Go ahead and get back to sleep. I can tell you're tired." Phichit hesitated before finally nodding his head. He stood up and gently nudged Seung as he spoke softly to him. Seung nodded at me before they both headed to the door. Phichit paused in the doorway.

"Yuri, you should try and go back to sleep too. I know it's scary but you should try. I know you hardly got any sleep." I nodded and he continued walking out of the room.

I stretched out against the bed and stared at the ceiling, aware that Otabek was still in the room. Turning on my side, I noticed that he moved closer to me. He reached out and gently gripped my right arm. I didn't fight against him but lowered my gaze and turned away from him in shame.

His fingers gently ran over the fading cuts causing a shiver to go down the back of my neck. We said nothing but a message passed between us when our eyes met. A mutual understanding of protecting each other was made clear.

At some point I must have drifted back to sleep since faint whispers beckoned me out of my sleep. Otabek had his head on my chest as short breaths escaped his lips. The whispering grew in volume and I registered them as Phichit and Seung talking downstairs.

I didn't move for fear that I would wake up Otabek. Seeing me distraught probably took a lot out of him knowing that going through something like that is pretty emotionally draining.

I just lay there staring at his face, so relaxed as he slept peacefully. A soft knock on my open door caused me to look away and smile shyly at Phichit who was smirking.

"You slept for a while. We wound up staying up for a couple hours since we were all worried about you. He didn't lay down until he was sure you were okay." He spoke quietly as he sat cross legged on the floor in front of me.

A Turn for the... Best? (A Turn for the Worse Sequel)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin