Very Important!!

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I'm just getting right into this explanation but, to make it short, there's a lot of things going on within my family right now and I am NOT happy about it. Before this happened, I was planning on continuing this story and working on graduating this year but now that this drama is starting up, it looks like I'm gonna have to put everything on hold.

God it makes me so mad writing this out, so mad that I'm about to cry. ANYWAYS, with that being said, I am going to have to put this story on hold. I really don't know when or if I'm gonna pick this up again because my plan right now is to get a job, save up as much as I can to get a car, then get the fuck out of here when I turn eighteen in August.

I know a few people didn't really like this story because of the ships. (The comments made me laugh and I am not ashamed.) But this was going to take a HUGE turn left.

UUUGGGGHHHH I had such a great plan for this story and I HATE that it has to be put on hold for probably more than a year... Yanno, I can't help but to laugh. I was expecting to graduate and go to prom with my GSA friends but here I am. Having to quit school and put everything that I loved to do, on hold...

Sorry to break the news so early in the morning but I had to let you guys know as soon as I could. I hope you guys have a good day today and if you don't, find a way to make it decent.

A Turn for the... Best? (A Turn for the Worse Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now