Chapter 4

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I woke up the next morning to Phichit gently shaking me awake. He had a huge grin on his face that instantly made me assume that he was hiding something.

"Oh god, Phichit. What did you do now?" I said as I stretched and sat up in bed. He laughed and knelt in front of me.

"Nothing! You just made a funny face. I was gonna ask if you wanted to go with us to get outfits for tonight." The tone of his voice made me suspicious but then again, he always sounded like he was trying to hide something.

"Is that all we're going to do?" He nodded enthusiastically and began to pull me out of bed.

"Yes, it is I promise. Now c'mon! Let's go!" I let myself fall limp as Phichit tried to lift me out of my bed.

"Yuuurrriiiiiii! Fine. We'll just dog pile you."

"No no no no! AHHHH!" I tried to sit up again but out of nowhere, Otabek and Seung jumped on top of me along with Phichit. I burst into a fit of laughter as Phichit began tickling me, causing me to jerk and nearly push him off the bed.

"Oh my god! Yuri! Are you trying to kill me?!" The look on his face made me fall into another laughing fit. Otabek struggled to keep from chuckling but I was laughing so hard I snorted which made all of them laugh.

I eventually stopped laughing and tried to pull myself out from under them but my legs were tangled in the sheets. "Can I get up now? I need to get dressed."

"Yeah hold on. You guys get up first." Otabek stood up first, then Seung and Phichit who both helped me get untangled from the sheets.

"Wow, never noticed how toned you were Yuri." Phichit said as he bit his lip. I smirked and pushed my hair back out of my face.

"Why do you think my Eros program was so good?" I licked my lips and smirked at the three who were staring at me with awed expressions. Chuckling, I shook my head and walked into my closet. I pulled on a pair of black cargo shorts and a grey tank top before grabbing my black high tops and a pair of socks.

"Where are we going then?" Sitting on the edge of my bed, I pulled the socks over my feet then pulled on the high tops.

"To that street where I got Seung his sweater. There are a LOT of stores there and I already have an idea on what you should wear." I just nodded as I finished tying my shoelace.

"And how do you plan on getting us there?"

"Easy. No one knew this but Seung actually knows how to drive a motorcycle and both Otabek and him rented motorcycles."

"You expect me to get on a motorcycle?" He had barely finished speaking when I asked that question. He was crazy to think I would ever get on a motorcycle.

"I knew you would be upset but trust Otabek. I bet anything that he's a safer driver than Seung." I sat there for a minute fighting with myself over whether I should still go or not. I thought that I should since I had just gotten ready and told them all that I was going.

We headed downstairs and outside to the small driveway where two motorcycles sat. One was matte black and the other a glossy red and black. I had to admit that they were pretty to look at but as soon as Otabek started up the bike, I felt my stomach drop.

"Hey. It's gonna be okay Yuri. I was scared too but it's actually really fun. Trust me. You'll like it." Phichit winked and gently slid a helmet over my head.

Otabek stepped up and did the buckle since I couldn't see what I was doing. "Thanks, Otabek."

"Beka. Call me Beka." He left his hand on my face for a moment longer before climbing onto the bike. I didn't know why but the gesture caused me to momentarily freeze in shock.

A Turn for the... Best? (A Turn for the Worse Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now