Chapter 10

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Today was the day. There wasn't much secrecy to my plans on not skating today but with Mari and Yuuko kind of being my manager, they agreed to a press conference just to clarify all the "rumors" on my retirement.

But I told Mari that I was actually going to announce my relationship with Otabek. He agreed that we couldn't hide from the public any longer. Especially since Victor and Yurio publicly announced their relationship.

After being with him for a month, I knew that this was the best decision to make. I had a two hour long talk with everyone and they all supported our relationship and our decision to announce it to the public.

I decided to be a little lazy with my outfit and chose a gray polo and faded black jeans. Chucks covered my feet and a chain with a charm Phichit gave me hung from around my neck.

A warm hand brushed against mine and I turned to see Mari. She fixed the collar on my shirt and pushed my hair back from my face.

"Geez, Yuri. You're twenty-five and still don't know how to make yourself presentable." She continued to mess with my hair until it stayed where she wanted it to. I stared at her while she squished my cheeks together.

"I miss you when you were chubby. It used to be easier to do this." We both smiled and walked to the door that led to the conference hall where the press was waiting.

"I'm so nervous. Can you sit with me out there?" I turned to face Mari.

"Of course. Deep breaths Yuri. Me and Otabek will be with you. Okay?" She gave my hand a gentle squeeze and I nodded.

Otabek walked from around the corner and stood on my other side. I took his hand in mine and breathed in deeply before Mari opened the door. I let go of his hand and walked behind Mari to the small stage before taking my seat at the middle of the table.

A series of clicks and a loud murmur of talking rose up when we walked into the room. People already started to ask questions before we even sat down.

"Please quiet down and wait to ask questions until Yuri is done speaking." Yuuko stood at the small podium to the left of the stage. She nodded a me when the crowd quieted down.

"As you all are aware of, my engagement with Victor was called off. Because of that, I decided to take this year off to allow myself time to get over the break up and find a new coach to skate under. It's been now just over two months since that happened and while I was in Tokyo I heard of the news that Yuri Plisetsky and Victor Nikiforov were now in a relationship. I have nothing to say other than that I hope their relationship is filled with nothing but happiness and health. As for the rumors of me retiring, they are not true. As I said, I just wanted some time for myself to recover from the hurtful ending of my relationship with Victor. And with that topic, I want to announce to you all, that Otabek and I are in a relationship and have been together for three weeks. With this announcement, I do expect some sort of outrage about this but just know that we didn't do this out of spite or revenge. I realized my affection for Otabek four months ago, but I didn't know that admitting to my feelings towards him would result in a relationship that I don't regret."

I turned and face Otabek. "I've been having such a great time being with this man. It's only been a month, but I swear it feels like it's only been a week since then. I look forward to what the future holds for the both of us."

The room was quiet, and it took a minute for Yuuko to find her voice. "Any questions you have will be answered now."

Dozens of the reporters were waving their hands and calling out my name. I nodded to a younger woman who was directly in front.

A Turn for the... Best? (A Turn for the Worse Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now