Updates that are slightly unimportant

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Hey guys. Soo it's like four thirty where I live and yesterday was a shit day for me. It sounds stupid but my fish died and I broke up with my partner. Breaking up with him was so hard. It hurts still but I'm terrified of relationships after all I've been through.


I got around to working on OCs for a story that I've been plotting for just about a year now. It's a work in progress but it's focused around the LGBT community. Right now there are seven characters, all representing something from the community.

Fanfics are what I originally wrote but I wanted to know if this story is something you guys would be interested in reading. If not, I'm going to publish it on a different platform because I want to see how things work out with this website.

It's also worth noting that if I like this new website, I'm only going to use wattpad as my fanfic fix. I probably won't create anymore stories on here if I do like this website more.

But besides that, I would really appreciate if you would comment and let me know if you guys would read this story. Like I said, it's still a work in progress but I'm getting close to starting on the actual process of writing it.

Also, thank you guys so much for voting and commenting on the chapters of my stories. It really means a lot especially with this fanfic. I know people hated the ship but I hope you guys are at least okay with how it turned out? I dunno but thanks so much for helping this, along with A Turn For The Worse, get as far as it did.

Smile even if you're sad. It'll make you feel better. *(^o^)*

A Turn for the... Best? (A Turn for the Worse Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now