Chapter 12

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The walk was short to the bus station. During the ride, I started to think about what happened within the past three months. It was crazy to think how quickly things went from hell to heaven.

I looked at Otabek who was leaning against me, wrapped tightly in his jacket and his hair messy since he didn't have much time to style it. He started to doze off as soon as we took our seats. His fever was still high but he seemed comfortable at least.

I couldn't help but think back to when I was in the hospital after that had happened. Victors words came racing into my mind.

"As long as I live, I promise that I will be here for you. I'll protect you."

A tear rolled down my cheek and I wiped it away before anyone could notice. There was doubt in my heart that he would keep true to those words when we went back to Russia.

It wasn't as if I knew this would happen but I had a sense of dread for the future. Maybe that's why I started to distance myself from him and turned to the embraces of my own illness. I couldn't deny that I was depressed when our relationship was coming to an end but I still tried to have hope.

Hope that maybe I was just making things out to mean more than they did. I tried my best but eventually that wasn't enough to keep things from falling apart.

When Victor had come to see me, I still held hope that things wouldn't turn out the way they did. But apparently it wasn't meant to be.

I gently shook Otabek awake when we got close to our stop. He looked at me and frowned before taking my hand in his and gave me a look that seemed to ask if I was okay. I said nothing as I shook my head and stood up when the bus stopped.

We got off with Mari, Seung, and Phichit in tow. Minami was sitting on a bench near the bus stop and jumped up when he saw us walking his way. The walk was quick and filled with playful banter.

My mom embraced me tightly when I walked into the small lobby of the hot springs. Her eyes were filled with tears and I immediately felt guilty for not coming to see her recently.

We spent hours talking about whatever came to mind. When the topic of me and Otabek's relationship came up she was very sweet and accepting. She could tell Otabek wasn't well so her motherly instinct kicked in and she started to baby him immediately.

It was sweet and Otabek welcomed it. More than welcomed it. I could tell he loved it. When I realized this, I smirked and shook my head at him. He just shrugged and smiled.

I moved into the kitchen to help Mari and my dad with dinner while the others sat in the dining room talking and laughing, we had a conversation of our own.

My dad was more than interested in what happened between me and Victor when we were in Tokyo. I could tell my father was frustrated that I wouldn't go into to detail since I knew he would be upset about what happened.

When I first came out to my parents, they weren't hateful in the slightest. I think it was the shock factor that made them react in a way that portrayed hate. I didn't hold that against them though.

I couldn't.

They are my parents after all.

My mother just smiled and hugged me after getting over the shock. She held me and told me that she was happy that I was comfortable enough with them to tell them who I was as a person.

My father said the same and took on the fatherly aspect of saying that for any guy who hurt me would surely pay the price. I laughed and hugged him then thanked them both for being supportive of me.

A Turn for the... Best? (A Turn for the Worse Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now