Happy Thanksgiving :) - Chapter 7

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I didn't open my eyes right away. There was low murmur of people talking when I finally woke up. A familiar soft voice quieted them.

"This isn't rare for him. He has a history of stress induced blackouts which result in the current situation. It should be in the notes I took when we did his intake." My counselor sounded very annoyed and on the brink of shouting at whoever else was in the room. I couldn't help but smirk.

"It's impolite to eavesdrop, Yuri." Her chastising voice filled the room again.

"You caught me. But where are my friends?" I slowly sat up and faced her and the other doctor who was also in the room.

Her amused smirk dropped to a slightly troubled frown. "Yuri, can you tell me what happened prior to you losing consciousness?"

"I was going to meet Phichit and Seung at a café for lunch. I was with Otabek when we were separated in the crowd. When I stopped to look around for him, someone pulled me into the alley..." I frowned when I couldn't remember what happened after that.

"It's okay. Take your time, Yuri."

An image flashed in my mind. Icy blue eyes... I gasped. "Victor. It was Victor. He had me pinned against a building and I tried to push him away... I started feeling light-headed then I heard someone call out my name. Next thing I remember, I'm laying on the ground with Phichit holding me. Someone cried out in pain and I tried to look but Phichit didn't let me... Who got hurt?"

"I need you to calm down a bit Yuri. Someone saw what happened and called the police. Victor and your friends are fine. I think your mind made up that last part because we already talked to everyone, including Victor, and nobody got hurt. We'll let them in to see you but do you feel safe enough to go home? Or do you want us to find you a place to stay for tonight?"

"I feel safe enough to go home... I just don't want to see Victor again." My voice shook as tears collected in my eyes.

My counselor sighed and looked at the doctor. "Give us a few minutes." He nodded and walked out the room, closing the door behind him. "Yuri, I know that you are hurt by what happened and you know that I would never force you to do anything you didn't want to do, but I think you should get this out of the way and just talk to Victor. I will be present in the room if you want me to be but don't feel pressured to do this. You can say no."

I was at war with myself over this. I knew that if I didn't get this over with, there might not be another chance to talk to him since he announced that he was going to skate this year. But at the same time, I really didn't trust him. It was still too painful to even be in the same city as him.

"Is he here?" She nodded. All the confirmation I needed. "I don't know if I can do this..."

"It's okay. Like I said, you don't have to do this. I talked with him already and he said he was going back to Russia after speaking with you."

I nodded. "Let's get this over with then."

She nodded and got up. She was gone for a couple of minutes, allowing my anxiety to take reign of my thoughts. My heart skipped a beat when someone knocked on the door.

"Hey, Yuri. Are you okay? Do you need time to calm down a bit?"

"Yeah give me a sec." I wiped at the tears that were streaming down my face and cleared my throat before nodding at my counselor to come in.

My breathing hitched when I saw Victor. Avoiding eye contact with him, I focused my eyes on my shaking hands that were folded in my lap. I took a deep breath before focusing on Victor who was sitting across the room.

"Victor, I can't accept your apology. At least not right now. I also can't ever get back in a relationship with you. I don't think we could even be friends for a while since it's going to be very hard for me to trust you again. It's hard enough for me to sit here and talk to you right now." I wiped at the tears that were relentlessly rolling down my face.

"I'm sorry for what happened that night and I'm also sorry for what happened in the alley. I can't blame anyone or anything else for what happened. I was drunk but I knew what I was doing. I could still think straight and I regret every moment and every action. But I really can't explain why I did it. There's no excuse and there's no reason for what I did. It was like I wasn't in control, but I was. I won't blame you if you don't believe me because it sounds pathetic but I swear to you that this is really what happened."

I would have believed him if his words and demeanor didn't seem so rehearsed.

It seemed like he was trying his best to act apologetic and sincere but I could see right through his act. His eyes started frantically roaming about the room and he started to fidget when he realized that I wasn't falling for it.

"You're such a flake, Victor. How could I not see through th-" I couldn't speak. The realization hit me hard. "You were just using me for a publicity stunt. The same with Yurio and Otabek. You and him were using me and Otabek as a way to attract attention to both of your skating."

His face fell in shock then changed to an expression of anger. My entire body was shaking and my ears roared as I stood from the hospital bed. I raised my hand and slapped him. "You used me, your fan, for attention?! Why would you do something so low? And especially to me? Someone who loved you so much?! You know that you were my idol and that I looked up to you as an aspiring professional skater. What is wrong with you Victor?!"

He looked shocked. His mouth was slightly open but a knock on the door drew his attention away when someone stepped in. "You okay Yuuri?"

My shoulders instantly relaxed and my heart fluttered when I heard his voice. "Yeah. I'm fine."

Otabek's face was unreadable but I could tell he didn't like that Victor was here. My eyes met his as a silent message passed between us. He nodded slightly, barely noticeable, before walking into the room.

"The doctor said you're free to go so if you're ready we can get going. Phichit and Seung are waiting in the front." I flashed him a grateful look as I took the helmet he held out to me. I didn't bother to look back at Victor. Instead, I pushed my hair back and winked at Otabek who got my hint.

I laced my fingers with his as we walked out of the room, leaving behind a sputtering Victor. As soon as we were in the elevator, I let go of Otabek's hand and put a hand over my mouth as I fought back the tears that were gathered in the corners of my eyes.

My head was spinning with everything that just came to light. Our relationship was all fake. He used me just to have attention brought back to him... Was he really that desperate to regain his fans attention?


Hey guys. I'm currently working on a story idea that I've had for about a year and I started writing it about three months ago. Anyway, I was wondering if you guys would be interested in reading it? I'm trying to get it published so it's going to be a shorter version of it and be different than the one I'm going to try to publish. (If that ever happens.) But I was just wondering if I do put it on wattpad if you guys would read it. I dunno but just let me know in a comment. 

It's pretty interesting and not exactly sound yet but it's a work in progress. If you guys do want to read it, I'll upload when I'm done with this story. 

A Turn for the... Best? (A Turn for the Worse Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now