Chapter 16

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"Phichit! Can you provide me with your love?!" I tossed myself back onto my bed and chuckled softly when I heard the sound of rushed footsteps coming up the stairs.

"I'm here bb!" Phichit burst through my door and flopped down next to me on the bed. He patted his chest which I lay my head against. I pulled his arm over my shoulders and listened to his steady heartbeat. "When is Beck supposed to be coming back?"

"He said as soon as he finished packing. He called last night and said he was getting everything ready to be shipped out here so he might come tomorrow." I sighed and picked at the lint that was covering Phichit's pullover.

"Minami said he's almost done with his room. I think he wanted to go get a rug but I don't know if he did that yet."

"Are you gonna help him pick one out?"

"Yeah. He had me look at his room set up and I think it's pretty nice. A black and white marble rug might be fine but we're probably gonna thrift for one so the options are open."

Once we got back from Russia, Otabek and I decided to put an end to our relationship. There was no real reason. We just thought it was bad timing and knew that it wouldn't be right to keep a relationship that wasn't healthy. But there was hope that maybe we could try again at a better time when things were a little less reckless.

It's been almost a month since then. Victor's recovery has been going good from what I can tell. Mila and Georgi have been taking turns on caring for him so that Yurio could focus on his grandpa who was discharged from the hospital a couple weeks ago.

From what both Otabek and Yurio have been telling me, their friendship is still on the mend but they talk everyday as far as I know. Otabek went back home to spend time with his family before making the permanent move out to Japan.

Minami moved in with us since it was closer to the university he's starting at in a few months. I didn't mind and said he could stay without rent. He got extremely flustered and started to argue at first but I told him that it was because I knew that it was going to be stressful enough having to worry about homework. He didn't need to worry about work until he had school under control.

"Otouto! Where are you?" Mari's voice wafted through my open bedroom door. Hearing her voice made me perk up instantly.

"Ane!" I jumped out of bed and ran down the stairs to the living room where Mari was standing.

She smiled and laughed with her arms spread open. I ran into her embrace and hugged her firmly but gently making sure not to hurt her.

"You have a visitor." Mari's words confused me. I looked up to see Otabek standing by the open front door with a bunch of large suit cases and boxes behind him.

A small smile lit up his face. Mari stepped away from me letting me go up to Otabek and embrace him.

"You should've told me you were coming." I stepped back from him and playfully pinched his cheek.

"But you would've been worried all day. Besides I didn't know I was coming today. It just... happened." I smiled and rolled my eyes.

"We should get your stuff in here. It might start raining soon." As soon as I finished speaking a flash of lightening light up the sky followed by a roll of thunder.

It took the rest of the day to help Otabek get his room set up. Seung was the most helpful when it came down to decorating his room. Eventually Phichit and I went downstairs to let them talk since we were just goofing around and being noisy.

Mari went home a while ago before the rain hailed down on us. Since we were extremely hyper we thought it would be a good idea to run outside in nothing but our boxers. We stood in front of the glass sliding doors in just our underwear giggling to ourselves.

A Turn for the... Best? (A Turn for the Worse Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now