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But every so often Alexander left for the realm of gods beyond the sky whenever any nobles visited Aaron. There was nothing on earth that caught his interest much and his old home, which had long ago been denied its right to be called his home, was the only place where anything of interest ever happened, be it some drama between the gods or drama between a god (or more) and a mortal (or more). Though that day when he arrived at the gate of the god's realm he was met with some festivity or another he had not been made aware of previously. He sidled through the crowd where sneers and looks of disgust at his mere presence were thrown at him.

'Makes ya feel right at home, don't it.' he thought to himself and did his best to appear ignorant of the glares thrown his way. He flitted over to the god of the sun who was conversing happily with the god of the moon and tapped his shoulder. Even though the god disliked Alexander about as much as the rest, he could at least be persuaded into talking honestly to him.

"What do you want, Wind?" he sneered and spit the title and Alexander rolled his eyes.

"What's this party about?" Alexander asked and the god in front of him snorted and the god of the moon looked at him sceptically.

"You really don't know?" the god said with genuine surprise in his voice and the god of the moon raised an eyebrow in question.

"If I knew I wouldn't have asked you, Thomas." he rolled his eyes and Thomas growled.

"Tch, your tongue isn't worthy of speaking my name, you runt of a god!" he proclaimed loudly and attracted the attention of a few gods around them who then glared at Alexander much harsher than the god of the sun in front of him. He found the thought amusingly ironic.

"Well, tell me then, what has happened that has gathered all the gods in one place?" he asked amused.

"A union, a marriage. Of whom hardly concerns you, but it is of our local goddess of beauty and our goddess of fertility. I do think this union will be extremely beneficial to all, the world below included," he said with a self-assured grin and Alexander raised his brow.

"Eliza and Maria? I can't say I'm surprised, but I sure am happy they have found each other. Where are they? I'd like to give them congratulations and perhaps conjure up a wedding gift. I do think I might have something suitable." He smiled and Thomas scoffed, but the god of the moon spoke before he could.

"I don't believe they need anything from you, Wind." he spit with such venom it made even Thomas look at him in surprise.

"Oh, come off it, James. I can do whatever I want. Perks of being a dead god is you can't be held accountable for your actions! And I am going to exploit the only power I have left!" he laughed loudly and flitted around the room carried by his winds and knocked over a good few gods and drinks before he finally found the newlywed couple and halted in front of them.

"Eliza, Maria! It is good to see Beauty and Fertility together today and for eternity! May I offer my most sincere congratulations and goodwill in form of a gift?" he grinned brightly at the startled couple, who looked at each other, unsure if they should accept a gift from a dead god. Eliza then nodded at him with a soft smile. She was the goddess Alexander hated the very least of them all, but he also knew her wrath was only less than her sister, the goddess of Wrath, daughter of Justice. He grinned even brighter and conjured up a white, see-through crystal and offered it to the couple and Maria took it and eyed it sceptically. At this point, the entire realm of gods had their attention on Alexander, glares piercing his back and head like spears. The crystal was absolutely beautiful and breathtaking. It shone bright and clear and radiated a strong power. Everyone was taken aback by the power they perceived from it.

"What is this?" Maria asked and Alexander giggled.

"A gift of good will! A favour, too!" he simply grinned.

Forgotten; Worshipped (Imported from Ao3)Where stories live. Discover now