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Aaron was pacing up and down the main hall, waiting and waiting and waiting, anxiously playing with a chain in his hands he found in Alexander's crafting room. A whole week had passed at this point and Aaron was sure, very very sure, that Alexander had told him he'd only be gone for a few days. He was sure, absolutely sure, that Alexander said that and nothing else. He knew it had been a whole week. The map Alexander had given him had a functioning clock and the hands of it had passed the six fourteen times. He wasn't sure exactly what to do, or heck, even what to think! His head imagined Alexander's death a couple hundred times in many gruesome and torturous ways and the sights his mind conjured made him sick to the stomach as well as to the heart. He was so afraid for Alexander, he had had no peaceful moment after the third day had passed. He knew a few days meant three days for Alexander. A few days are three, a few weeks were three, a few months were three to five, a few years only two, a few hours were four, a few minutes were five to ten, he knew exactly what Alexander meant whenever he said 'a few'.

Suddenly he felt a ripple run through his body and a shiver ran down his spine. Somehow he knew that this was caused by something outside of the palace and he exited to investigate. He felt a presence behind the protection spell, and it was a familiar presence. It was a presence of two, a god and a muse. He knew that this was Hercules and Thomas. He didn't quite know how he knew, but he just did. He grabbed the tornado staff he had strapped onto his back and waved it in a circle, counter-clockwise and a hole appeared in the tornado, letting the god and the muse pass without difficulty. Hercules still had to clutch onto Thomas not to fall down and Thomas carried him to the palace. Thomas had an odd look in his eyes but Aaron, in his frenzy, did not notice. Hercules had many scrolls in his arm, trying not to let them drop.

"Hello, Aaron! Where's Alexander? I found something he really needs to see!" Hercules beamed, but his smile soon dropped when he noticed Aaron's worried glare. "What's wrong?"

"Hercules, Thomas, have you seen Alexander? He's been gone for a full week- he said he'd only be gone for a few days!" Aaron exclaimed the full extent of his worry spread out in his voice. Hercules frowned in confusion and worry. Thomas mimicked his expression to the best of his abilities.

"I- I haven't? Thomas, have you seen him?" Hercules looked at Thomas who had a comical look of worry on his face.

"He- Yeah, I did see him. He just came from the Judge's palace, but I'm not sure where he is now. I'm sure he said something, but I can't quite remember. Something with... No, I can't remember," Thomas said, he became hot quite suddenly.

"He said he heard of a flute that hypnotizes people! He said he'd go and get it after he went to- Oh, whatever his name is! But he said he'd only be gone for a few days! It doesn't make any sense!" Aaron whimpered, "He said he'd only be gone for a few days."

"Maybe something came between him and that flute. Maybe it's difficult to get? He could just be caught up in something," Thomas reasoned with a gulp.

"Do you think so? But Alexander never... He'd never... I know he would somehow make me know that he was caught in something!" Aaron insisted and Thomas shrugged his shoulders and went in to hug Aaron's distressed frame.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know. Tell you what, I'm gonna keep an eye out during the day, an extra careful eye and I'll look for him. Any bit I find of him, I'll tell you immediately!" Thomas promised and Aaron nodded.

"Yes, do that! Hercules, keep an eye out for him too, yes?" Aaron nodded his head and pulled away from Thomas to look at Hercules with pleading and terrified eyes. Hercules quickly and furiously nodded.

"Of course! I'll make sure to find him somewhere down there!" Hercules promised.

Aaron then made the pair leave, letting Hercules drop the scrolls he wanted to show Alexander and he picked them up and carried them inside. He pulled out his map and looked for an empty room, but there was none and he grumbled. He let some clouds appear in the main hall, which was supposed to be a desk, and put down the scrolls onto them.

Forgotten; Worshipped (Imported from Ao3)Where stories live. Discover now